Approve a contract with Aramark Correctional Services, LLC with a not to exceed amount of $7,250,000 to provide food services for justice-involved persons at Solano County’s adult detention facilities for the period November 13, 2024, through June 30, 2027; Delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the contract and any subsequent amendments, pending County Counsel concurrence, up to an annual aggregate of $74,999; and Authorize the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and Director of Administrative Services to execute contract amendments which are technical or administrative in nature
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
The Sheriff recommends that the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve a contract with Aramark Correctional Services, LLC with a not to exceed amount of $7,250,000 to provide food services for justice-involved persons at Solano County’s adult detention facilities for the period November 13, 2024, through June 30, 2027;
2. Delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the contract and any subsequent amendments, pending County Counsel concurrence, up to an annual aggregate of $74,999; and
3. Authorize the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and Director of Administrative Services to execute contract amendments which are technical or administrative in nature.
Solano County is mandated by the California Code of Regulations to provide meals to justice-involved persons housed in Solano County’s adult detention facilities. The current inmate food service contract expires December 31, 2024. The Sheriff’s Office, with the assistance of General Services, issued a Request for Proposal for a contractor to provide meals to justice-involved persons housed in Solano’s adult detention facilities. Aramark Correctional Services, LLC (Aramark) was selected from this competitive process and it is recommended that they are awarded the contract with a not to exceed amount of $7,250,000 for the period November 13, 2024, through June 30, 2027.
The total cost of the proposed contract is $7,250,000 with an estimated FY2024/25 cost of $1,215,000. The cost of services is funded primarily with County General fund and Prop 172 Sales Tax revenue. The Sheriff’s Office FY2024/25 Working Budget has sufficient appropriations for the contract. The Sheriff’s Office will include the costs for the remaining term of the contract in its future Requested Budgets. Therefore, Board action will not impact the County General Fund.
Aramark will bill the County weekly for inmate food services rendered based on the number of regular and special diet meals provided that week multiplied by the applicable per meal prices.
The costs associated with preparing the agenda item are nominal and absorbed by the Sheriff’s FY2024/25 Working Budget.
Pursuant to Title 15 of the California Code of Regulations, Solano County is mandated to provide meals to justice-involved persons housed in Solano County’s adult detention facilities. The current inmate food service contract with Trinity Services Group expires December 31, 2024. Trinity Services Group was selected in 2019 through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
The Sheriff’s Office worked with General Services, Central Services - Purchasing Division (County Purchasing) to issue an RFP on May 24, 2024. County Purchasing coordinated RFP efforts to include issuance and receipt of proposals, bidder’s conference, proposal evaluations, and award notice. Aramark Correctional Services, LLC (Aramark) was selected from this competitive process and it is recommended that they are awarded the contract to provide mandated services as necessary to provide nutritious, basic meals to adult inmates entrusted to County care.
Aramark brings more than 45 years of corrections experience with current service at more than 350 state and local government agencies. Previously, Aramark provided food services to the Sheriff’s Office from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2019. Aramark maintains partnerships with, but not limited to, the American Correctional Association, the American Jail Association, and the California State Sheriff’s Association. In response to the RFP, Aramark will provide their proprietary food service software application, Prima Web, and dietitian-approved menus for meals including special diet meals (i.e., medical diet, religious diet, and food preference diets). Meals will be prepared onsite in the Claybank Detention Facility kitchen and Aramark shall transport meals to both the Stanton Correctional Facility and the Justice Center Detention Facility. Meals shall be plated in insulated trays and transported in temperature-controlled carts and/or refrigerated vehicles to maintain proper temperatures when served. Aramark’s staffing pattern includes approximately 20.0 FTE to prep and transport meals. Aramark is financially responsible to provide or replace food equipment, smallwares, and cleaning products. Aramark will also establish a nutritional program to educate adult inmates on the importance of a balanced meal and proper eating habits.
The proposed contract will help to ensure compliance with Title 15 and the continuation of mandated services. The Sheriff’s Office will work with Aramark to update the County’s Food Service Plan required by section 1243 of Title 15, Division 1, Chapter 1, Subchapter 4. The plan shall include, but not limited to, the following policies and procedures:
(a) Menu planning;
(b) Purchasing;
(c) Storage and inventory control;
(d) Food preparation;
(e) Food serving;
(f) Transporting food;
(g) Orientation and ongoing training;
(h) Personnel supervision;
(i) Budgets and food cost accounting;
(j) Documentation and record keeping;
(k) Emergency feeding plan;
(l) Waste management;
(m) Maintenance and repair; and
(n) Three-day mainline sample tray.
Aramark will begin providing services effective January 1, 2025; however, the term of the contract begins November 13, 2024 to allow Aramark time to hire staff and get those staff through the Sheriff’s Office background check process prior to the January 1 start date. Additionally, Aramark needs time to purchase equipment including temperature-controlled carts, smallwares, and cleaning products. Prior to the January 1 start date Aramark will customize the menu and receive County approval.
The Board of Supervisors could choose not to approve the contract; however, this alternative is not recommended as the contract has been awarded through the County’s RFP process and the Sheriff’s Office is not staffed and does not have the expertise to provide these services. Moreover, non-approval may result in an interruption of mandated services.
General Services, Central Services - Purchasing Division administered the RFP to include the award notice to the best apparent proposer, Aramark Correctional Services, LLC. County Counsel reviewed and approved the contract as to form.