Public hearing to consider approval of Minor Subdivision Application No. MS-12-06 of LMP Vineyards LLC to subdivide one existing parcel (APN 0153-100-050) under Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act Contract No. 438) into two parcels of 21.05 and 22.47 acres for property located along Suisun Valley Road, two miles west of the City of Fairfield; and Adopt a resolution making a determination that the project is not subject to further review under the California Environmental Quality Act and approving Minor Subdivision Application No. MS-12-06
Published Notice Required? Yes __X _ No _ _
Public Hearing Required? Yes __X _ No _ _
The Department of Resource Management recommends that the Board of Supervisors:
1) Conduct a public hearing to consider approval of Minor Subdivision Application No. MS-12-06 of LMP Vineyards LLC to subdivide one existing parcel (APN 0153-100-050) under Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act Contract No. 438) into two parcels of 21.05 and 22.47 acres, and
2) Adopt a resolution making a determination that the project is not subject to further review under the California Environmental Quality Act and approve Minor Subdivision Application No. MS-12-06. The property is located along Suisun Valley Road, two miles west of the City of Fairfield.
Pursuant to the provisions of the California Subdivision Map Act [Gov. Code Section 66474.4(a)], the Board of Supervisors is required to take action on all subdivisions involving lands under Williamson Act contract. The subject property is entered into Williamson Act contract No. 438; additionally, the applicant proposes to subdivide the lot into two (2) parcels of 20.27 and 22.74 acres. A comprehensive staff report (Attachment B) is attached for the Board's reference. The report provides staff's analysis, findings, and recommended conditions of approval for the proposed minor subdivision.
Public Noticing Requirement: In accordance with Solano County Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Ordinance notice of a public hearing was published at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing in the Fairfield Daily Republic. In addition, all property owners of real property as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll within 500 feet of the property and all persons requesting notice of the public hearing were mailed notices of the hearing.
This subdivision application has no effect on the General Fund. The applicant has paid the costs associated with the subdivision application. The parcels are currently under an active Williamson Act contract. There will be no increase or decrease in the amount of land under contract; therefore, assessments shall remain unchanged.
The 2008 General Plan identified Suisun Valley as one of four Special Study Areas as well as one of the County's ten agricultural regions. Goals and Policies were developed under the General Plan to preserve and enhance the landscape and economy of the Suisun Valley as a rural agricultural community (General Plan, SS.G-2).
The subsequent Suisun Valley Strategic Plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors February 1, 2011, which implemented the General Plan's Goals and Policies pertaining to the Suisun Valley Special Study Area and Agricultural Region, and rezoned the Exclusive Agriculture districts to the Suisun Valley Agriculture 'A-SV-20' district, having a 20-acre minimum lot size (Ordinance No. 2011-1717).
On May 22, 2012 the Board of Supervisors updated the County's Williamson Act Rules and Regulations to address minimum parcel sizes of contracted land within the A-SV-20 zoning district. To ensure compatibility with the General Plan, Suisun Valley Strategic Plan, and the Suisun Valley Agriculture 'A-SV-20' zoning district, the minimum parcel size of contracted land was set at 20 acres.
Environmental Analysis
CEQA Section 21083.3 and Guideline Section 15183(a) provide that projects which are consistent with the development density established by existing zoning, a community plan or general plan for which an EIR was certified, do not trigger additional environmental review except to examine whether there are project-specific effects peculiar to the project or site. Part I of the Initial Study for the application has been examined to determine whether the project presents any new, potentially significant impacts. No significant impacts have been identified. As such, staff recommends that the project qualifies for an exemption under CEQA Section 21083.3.
A. Continue this item to another hearing for further consideration. This option is not recommended unless the Board desires additional specific information, which cannot be obtained during this public hearing.
B. Deny the subdivision request. This is not recommended because the proposal meets or exceeds all development standards associated with a minor subdivision.
The County Administrator and County Counsel have reviewed this item and concur with the Department of Resource Management's recommended action.