File #: 24-805    Version: 1 Name: UV 2025 Grant RFA
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Calendar
In control: District Attorney
On agenda: 11/12/2024 Final action: 11/12/2024
Title: Adopt a resolution authorizing the District Attorney, or her designee, to submit a grant application and related documents to the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) for the Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach (UV) Program in the amount of $196,906 for the term January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025; and Adopt a resolution amending the List and Numbers and Classifications of Positions to extend 1.0 FTE Limited-Term Victim Witness Assistant through December 31, 2025
District: All
Attachments: 1. A - UV24 Progam Supplemental, 2. B - Funding Chart, 3. C - Grant Resolution, 4. D - Grant Application, 5. E - Position Resolution


Adopt a resolution authorizing the District Attorney, or her designee, to submit a grant application and related documents to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) for the Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach (UV) Program in the amount of  $196,906 for the term January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025; and Adopt a resolution amending the List and Numbers and Classifications of Positions to extend 1.0 FTE Limited-Term Victim Witness Assistant through December 31, 2025



Published Notice Required?     Yes ____ No __X_  

Public Hearing Required?         Yes ____ No __X_




The District Attorney (DA) recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution authorizing the District Attorney, or her designee, to submit a grant application and related documents to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) for the Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach (UV) Program in the amount of  $196,906 for the term January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025; and Adopt a resolution amending the List and Numbers and Classifications of Positions to extend 1.0 FTE Limited-Term Victim Witness Assistant through December 31, 2025.




The purpose of the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Underserved/Unserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach (UV) Program is to provide service delivery to victims of violent crime within unserved/underserved and socially isolated populations. The Program is designed to fund improvements in awareness and knowledge about accessing local services available to crime victims. The grant program funds a bilingual Victim Witness Assistant to provide victim services and outreach to the Hispanic population in Solano County. The Solano County District Attorney’s Office has continuously received funding under this program since 2016.


This 2024 UV award allows for noncompetitive reapplication, contingent upon availability of federal Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) funds. The UV24 Program Supplemental (Attachment A) and Funding Chart (Attachment B) were posted by CalOES, with Solano County receiving $196,906 in VOCA funding, the same amount of funding as the prior year and funding a 1.0 FTE Limited-Term, bilingual Spanish-speaking, Victim Witness Assistant position and 0.5 FTE Office Assistant II position. CalOES requires a Resolution (Attachment C) authorizing Solano County District Attorney, or her designee, to submit a grant application (Attachment D) and related documents to CalOES.




Submission of the grant has no General Fund impact. The grant funding does include a match requirement, which is achieved with the use of the CalOES recommended 15% de Minimus indirect cost rate, which accounts for administrative salary expense and overhead. The costs associated with preparing the agenda item are nominal and absorbed by the department’s FY2024/25 Working Budget.




The Board may choose not to approve the submission of this grant proposal. This is not recommended as it would result in the loss of $196,906 in grant revenue for the period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, jeopardizing efforts by the District Attorney’s Victim Witness Unit to continue services provided for victims of crime.




There are no other agencies involved with this agenda item.