Adopt and present a resolution honoring Michael Wilson, District 1 Representative for Supervisor Erin Hannigan, for his 12 years of dedicated public service to Solano County (Supervisor Hannigan)
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Supervisor Hannigan recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt and present a resolution honoring Michael Wilson, District 1 Representative for Supervisor Erin Hannigan, for his 12 years of dedicated public service to Solano County.
Michael Wilson has served as a District Representative to Erin Hannigan, representing District 1, since she was elected to the Solano County Board of Supervisors in 2012. Since that time, Mr. Wilson, with direction from Supervisor Hannigan, has focused on bringing the services of the County to Vallejo residents.
Mr. Wilson has assisted Supervisor Hannigan in building critical partnerships within the County, including with local stakeholder groups, businesses, and community organizations. Together, “Team Hannigan” as they are called, have a long list of accomplishments, including, and not limited to the funding and development of the Vallejo First 5 Center, the Mobile Food Pharmacy, and the dissemination of more than 3,000 new pairs of shoes to Vallejo seniors.
Prior to serving as Supervisor Hannigan’s District Representative, Mr. Wilson served the community in several capacities, including a career in finance and accounting, holding an elected seat on the Vallejo City Council, and volunteering on several local not-for-profit organizations. The impacts Mr. Wilson has had on the Vallejo community, through his work as a District Representative, has helped build stronger economic security and improved the everyday lives of residents within the County.
The costs associated with preparation and purchase of the resolution materials are included in the Board’s FY2024/25 Working Budget
The Board could choose not to adopt and present a resolution; however, this is not recommended because this is an opportunity to recognize Supervisor Erin Hannigan’s District Representative’s outstanding contributions to the County.
There is no other agency involvement.