Receive an update from staff and the County’s federal and State Legislative Advocates on matters of interest to the County that were discussed at the December 2, 2024 Legislative Committee meeting; and Consider approval of Solano County’s Proposed 2025 Federal Legislative Platform and Proposed 2025 State Legislative Platform
Published Notice Required? Yes _______ No ___X__
Public Hearing Required? Yes _______ No ___X__
The County Administrator’s Office recommends the Board of Supervisors receive an update from staff and the County’s federal and State Legislative Advocates on matters of interest to the County that were discussed at the December 2, 2024 Legislative Committee meeting; and consider approval of Solano County’s Proposed 2025 Federal Legislative Platform and Proposed 2025 State Legislative Platform.
The Board of Supervisors adopts a Legislative Platform on an annual basis which is intended to provide policy direction on State and federal legislation of interest to the County. The proposed 2025 Federal and State Legislative Platforms are comprehensive documents that clearly outline the County’s priorities for the coming year. The Proposed 2025 Federal Legislative Platform and the Proposed 2025 State Legislative Platform were reviewed by the Legislative Committee on December 2, 2024. Additionally, the County’s federal Legislative advocates Joe Krahn, Tom Joseph, Hasan Sarsour and Rachel Mackey from Paragon Government Relations and the County’s State Legislative advocate, Karen Lange of SYASL Partners, Inc., will provide a verbal update on developments at the federal and State Capitols and key legislation of interest to the County.
The legislative program is designed to result in additional funding and/or cost avoidance relative to Solano County. The cost of preparing this report and compiling the information is a General Fund cost covered in the County Administrator’s FY2024/25 Working Budget.
One of the primary goals of the County’s legislative program is to enable timely and effective advocacy of County interests on pending State and federal legislation and issues. The Proposed 2025 Legislative Platforms allows the County’s legislative advocates and staff to identify and monitor legislative activities of importance, prepare letters of support or opposition, coordinate lobbying efforts, and advance County goals and objectives at both the federal and State levels.
The legislative issues that are included in the Proposed 2025 Legislative Platforms are recommended by County departments, their professional associations, and related nonprofit organizations - all with input from the County’s federal and State legislative advocates. While the Proposed 2025 Legislative Platforms seek to accurately reflect the current challenges and threats imposed by both the federal and State governments, should unanticipated issues arise, additional modifications may be required in future.
Once approved, the County’s 2025 Legislative Platforms will be posted to the Legislative Affairs website and can be accessed at <https://www.SolanoCounty.com/Legislation/>. The website enables County staff and members of the public the ability to view state bills tracked by the County each legislative session and provide the status of positions taken by the County on bills tracked. Other functions available on the website include bill search, options to find legislatures, and posted Legislative Committee agenda packets.
Attachment A - (DRAFT) 2025 Federal Legislative Platform (red-lined)
Attachment B - (DRAFT) 2025 Federal Legislative Platform (clean version)
Attachment C - (DRAFT) 2025 State Legislative Platform (red-lined)
Attachment D - (DRAFT) 2025 State Legislative Platform (clean version)
The County’s Legislative Committee Members, Supervisor Erin Hannigan and Supervisor Monica Brown met on December 2, 2024, to discuss both Federal and State issues. Joe Krahn, Tom Joseph, Hasan Sarsour and Rachel Mackey of Paragon Government Relations, the County’s federal legislative advocacy team, and Karen Lange of SYASL Partners, Inc., the County’s State legislative advocate, all participated in the meeting as well. The Committee received an overview from staff of all the legislative bills the County took an official position during the 2023-2024 legislative session, including receiving a handout summarizing the Governor’s action (Attachment E). Additionally, the Committee, after reviewing the proposed platforms, is recommending they be forwarded along to the full Board for consideration and final acceptance at their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
The County’s December 2, 2024 Legislative Committee agenda packet can be accessed at the following link: <https://www.solanocounty.com/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=44070>
The Board may choose not to accept the Proposed 2025 Federal Legislative Platform and Proposed 2025 State Legislative Platform. The Board may also choose to accept the Legislative Platform in part or not at all. The Board may amend the Legislative Platform in any manner and at any time. The Board may choose not to approve any or some of the legislative proposals.
Solano County Administrator’s Office staff consulted with all County departments and our federal and State lobbyists at Paragon Government Relations and SYASL Partners, respectively.