Accept the Auditor-Controller’s Internal Audit Division’s Internal Control Review of the Sheriff’s Office handling of inmate property
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The Auditor-Controller’s Office (ACO) recommends the Board of Supervisors accept the Internal Control Review of the Sheriff’s Office handling of inmate property.
In accordance with the ACO Internal Audit Division’s FY2023/24 Audit Plan, the ACO completed the internal control review of the Sheriff’s Office handling of inmate property. The review was conducted in conformance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing as developed by the Institute of Internal Auditors.
The objective of the review was to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place for handling inmate property. Based upon the review, the Sheriff’s Office has appropriate safeguards in place for handling inmate property.
In any system of internal controls inherent limitations exist which may result in errors or irregularities occurring and not being detected. Limitations may include, but are not limited to, resource constraints, management override, and circumvention of internal controls by collusion. Accordingly, the review would not necessarily identify and disclose all weaknesses.
The acceptance of the report has no financial impact.
The ACO collected information about the process through questionnaires, interviews with Sheriff’s Office staff, review of existing policy and procedures, and a walkthrough of the processes for intake, release, storage, and inventory of inmate property. The review did not include the accounting procedures for inmate trust accounts since that was included in a review of the TouchPay kiosks in 2021, and the report did not identify any internal control weaknesses.
The ACO confirmed procedures are in place and documented for intake, release, and inventory of inmate property.
The ACO selected one (1) month to confirm signatures were obtained on a sample of inmate property release forms. There were 872 releases in that one-month period; and the ACO randomly selected 30 of the 872 releases. The ACO found that 29 of the 30 release forms were signed. The one (1) missing signature was for the release of an inmate’s clothing returned at the time of the inmate’s release from jail.
The ACO confirmed the accuracy and completeness of the Sheriff’s Office inventory listing by testing a sample of items from the inventory listing were on the shelves and a sample of items from the shelves were included in the inventory listing. The ACO did not identify any discrepancies.
Also, the ACO obtained a listing of substantiated claims for missing or damaged inmate property for each of the past three (3) years. There was one (1) substantiated claim per year during this period, while approximately 9,500 inmate property releases are processed each year.
Based upon the review, the Sheriff’s Office has appropriate safeguards in place for handling inmate property.
The Board of Supervisors could elect not to accept the report. This alternative is not consistent with sound public policy and is therefore not recommended.
The Sheriff’s Office has reviewed and accepted the report.