Approve a 3-year contract for $380,192 with OpenGov for a Web-Based Equipment Movement Request workflow software solution from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027; and Authorize the County Administrator or designee to execute the agreement and any subsequent amendments, with County Counsel concurrence, within the project’s approved budget
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
The General Services Department recommends that the Board of Supervisors:
1. Approve a 3-year contract for $380,192 with OpenGov for a Web-Based Equipment Movement Request workflow software solution from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027; and,
2. Authorize the County Administrator or designee to execute the agreement and any subsequent amendments, with County Counsel concurrence, within the project’s approved budget.
The OpenGov software system provides an integrated, electronic, web-based workflow platform solution for the County's Equipment Movement Request (EMR) process and other potential workflow processes. It allows for the automated input, evaluation, and tracking of requested movement of County property. The General Services Department (GSD) contracted with OpenGov for the development of the EMR solution in December 2023. This new contract will continue software services through the next three fiscal years and allow for additional workflows to be developed as needed.
This web-based software solution provides the County with an efficient, easy-to-use equipment movement request and tracking tool via a common platform. Consolidating relevant information within the online database includes standardized input, information capture, evaluation, and approval workflows. Centralized information storage will increase visibility to staff while simplifying the requesting, evaluating, scheduling, and approving of property movement requests. Additionally, the system creates activity reports, including one that can be used to upload data to the County’s financial system, eliminating the need for additional manual data entry by staff.
GSD is utilizing the State of California’s Cloud Solutions, National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) cooperative purchasing program. Pursuant to the County’s Purchasing and Contracting Policy section, any government agency which has a contract with a vendor that allows such other governmental agency to acquire such services and re-sell them to other governmental agencies (i.e. cooperative purchasing agreement) are exceptions to the competitive bid process.
The total cost of the contract is $380,192 as a pre-payment for 3-years of software site licenses and maintenance.
Staff is leveraging the State of California’s Cloud Solutions Contract, National Association of State Procurement Officials (“NASPO”), a cooperative purchasing program facilitating public procurement solicitation and agreements (#AR2472). OpenGov has proposed an annual licensing fee of $120,600 for the first year with a 5% annual increase for each remaining year of the term. By purchasing OpenGov software directly through OpenGov and prepaying for the three years, the County will be able to save an additional $42,244 beyond the savings achieved through the pre-negotiated government pricing that would be received through the NASPO vendor. GSD recommends that the Board approve the multi-year contract with OpenGov for $380,192 (Attachment A).
The costs associated with preparing the agenda item are nominal and absorbed by the department’s FY2024/25 Working Budget.
For several decades, the County has been using non-carbon required (NCR) triplicate forms to record and track County property movements. These movements can consist of fixed assets (ex: copiers, lawn mowers, floor buffers), electronics (computers, cell phones, monitors etc.), furnishings (e.g. chairs, tables, file cabinets), basic office equipment/supplies (adding machines, staplers, hole punchers) and more. The reliance on paper forms and spreadsheets to route for approval, develop lists for moving vendors, and track the status of County property being moved/disposed of is labor-intensive and prone to human error.
GSD recently contracted with OpenGov as a solution for the project request, evaluation, and Capital Facilities Improvement Plan (CFIP) report development process. The CFIP software solution was a success and GSD looked at OpenGov to provide the same solution for the EMR process and potentially other departmental workflow processes. GSD contracted for development of the EMR workflow solution in December 2023. The OpenGov software workflow solution allows for a user friendly, integrated/consolidated request, evaluation, and reporting process that will increase efficiencies and effectiveness from initial request through final import into the County’s financial system.
Some of the advantages of using OpenGov over other potential workflow software solutions include: Allows County departments to enter and monitor the status of their property movement requests via a common web-based interface, improving service delivery to these departments; Captures real-time information within a structured database allowing relevant information to flow forward automatically within a defined evaluation and approval process, guaranteeing approvals and quality control steps are addressed; Captures information in a single repository from which approval status updates may be obtained, along with creating incremental reports; Enables requesting department/program access via a dashboard to data for analytics to be developed and assessed by staff; and Allows consolidated EMR request information to be transferred via upload to the County’s financial system.
OpenGov’s experience with government, training access, and live support for staff make them an ideal fit for the County’s workflow development needs. GSD recommends the Board approve the 3-year contract with OpenGov for the web-based workflow solution.
The Board could choose not to award the contract. This action is not recommended as the OpenGov EMR/workflow software solution will enable the County to achieve greater efficiencies while improving accuracy and internal customer service delivery.
The General Services Department coordinated with the Department of Information Technology regarding technical requirements; and County Counsel has reviewed the contract as to form.