ALUC-24-12 (City of Fairfield General Plan Update 2050 and Climate Action Plan)
Determine that Application No. ALUC-24-12 (City of Fairfield General Plan Update 2050), located within the Travis Air Force Base (AFB) Compatibility Zone D and E, is consistent with the Travis Air Force Base (AFB) Land Use Compatibility Plan (LUCP)
Adopt a resolution determining Application No. ALUC-24-12 (City of Fairfield General Plan Update 2050 and Climate Action Plan), located within the Travis Air Force Base (AFB) Compatibility Zone D and E, is consistent with the Travis Air Force Base (AFB) Land Use Compatibility Plan (LUCP).
Section 21676 (d) of the State Aeronautics Act requires Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) review of any general plan amendment within an Airport Influence Area.
General Plan Update 2050
The City of Fairfield has embarked on a multi-year community engagement process to develop the growth and development policies for their City. According to City staff, the General Plan update proposes growth areas known as Focus Areas such as
• Business Flex Corridor - along Business Center Drive, to reinforce the area’s importance as a jobs center and encourage a flexible range of employment uses while conditionally permitting housing to promote a mixed-use development pattern.
• Cordelia-Suisun Valley Gateway - Currently vacant, this approximately 40-acre area bounded by Suisun Valley Road, Kaiser Drive, and I-80 in northern Cordelia is envisioned as a “destination gateway” into Suisun Valley, and intended as mixed-use lifestyle center with retail, entertainment, lodging, and commercial recreation opportunities to build upon the growing agritourism opportunities in neighboring Suisun Valley.
• Hale Ranch - The Hale Ranch physical growth area represents three parcels just over 110 acres bounded by I-80, Hale Ranch Road, and Cordelia Road, currently used for used for agriculture. The vision for development of Hale Ranch aims to incorporate high-value employment uses while respecting the area’s agricultural and agritourism activities. Specific industries, such as those supporting agriculture, agritourism, food science, manufacturing, and winemaking, are prioritized for development.
• North Texas Street Mixed Use Corridor - The Plan envisions redevelopment of larger sites along North Texas Street into new mixed-use development such as a mix of commercial, higher density housing and green spaces. Multi-modal, transit service, and public realm improvements will help to foster a safer and more vibrant environment.
• Solano Town Center - The Plan envisions a “Solano Town Center Mixed Use” to revitalize the Solano Town Center mall and create a new “community hub” with commercial and community uses, pedestrian paths, and plazas and human-scaled design.
The Focus Areas lie within Zone D and E which are the least restrictive zones in the Travis LUCP. Zone D does not place limits on densities or uses. Zone E places no limits on use. Hazards to flights such as objects or structures 200 feet or higher, detention ponds, open spaces or other wildlife attractants shall be evaluated at a project development level and on a case-by-case basis.
The proposed General Plan includes policies that protect Travis Air Force Base such as policies in the Land Use/Urban Design Element and Travis Protection Element, as follows:
Land Use and Urban Design Element
LU-6.2. Land for Travis Air Force Base (TAFB). Integrate land use planning with the needs of the TAFB community. Require proposed land uses to be consistent with the land use compatibility criteria, maps, and policies of the TAFB Land Use Compatibility Plan.
Travis Protection Element
TP-1.2. Travis Air Force Base Land Use Compatibility Plan (TAFB LUCP). Require any applicable land uses and proposals to be consistent with the land use compatibility, noise and overflight policies and criteria of the latest adopted LUCP for TAFB:
• No new residential zoning will be applied to land in Compatibility Zones A, B1, B2, or C and no new schools will be permitted in these areas. See Figure 3-2.
• Projects within Zones A, B1, B2, or C or that exceed the height limits specified shall be referred to the Solano County Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) as required by the Solano County Airport Land Use Compatibility Review Procedures. Projects that exceed the height limits specified in the LUCP for TAFB shall also be referred to the ALUC.
• Nonconforming development or reconstruction within the TAFB LUCP Area of Influence shall be consistent with the policies in the LUCP regarding such development or reconstruction.
• IF it is the determination of the ALUC that any of the mandatory projects referred to the ALUC are inconsistent with the LUCP for Travis AFB, the City Council may hold a hearing to consider the project. The City Council may overrule the ALUC after the hearing by a two-thirds vote if it makes specific findings that the proposed action is consistent with the purposes of Airport Land Use Commission Law as contained in Article 3.5 of Chapter 4 of Part 1 of Division 9 of the Public Utilities Code.
o Objects and structures within Compatibility Zones A, B1, B2, C, D and the Height Overlay Zone for Travis AFB shall conform to Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 77 height limits.
TB-1.3. Hazards to Aircraft. Review development proposals in the Airport Influence Area for any potential hazards to aircraft in flight, including: uses that release into the air any substance such as steam, dust and smoke which would impair pilot visibility; uses that produce light emissions, glare or distracting lights which could interfere with pilot vision or be mistaken for airfield lighting; sources of electrical emissions which would interfere with aircraft communications or navigation; and uses which would attract birds or waterfowl to the extent that they would pose a danger to aircraft operation in the vicinity of the Base.
Climate Action Plan
According to City staff, the Fairfield Climate Action Plan (CAP) is the guiding document for local actions that the City can take to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and support California’s goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. The Fairfield CAP aligns with state guidance to reduce GHG emissions while emphasizing climate equity and benefiting vulnerable communities. The Fairfield CAP outlines measures and local actions within the City’s control to reduce GHG emissions focusing on electrifying transportation, reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT), and decarbonizing buildings. City staff will conduct ongoing monitoring and prepare annual reports to track CAP implementation progress every five years.
The proposed Climate Action Plan does not conflict with any of the Compatibility Criteria of the TAFB LUCP.
General Plan amendments must undergo review by the ALUC for consistency with the applicable LUCPs (State Aeronautics Act section 21676). The proposed amendments would apply city-wide, which is located in Compatibility Zones D and E of the Travis AFB LUCP (Attachment B). In general, Compatibility Zones D and E criteria require review of structural heights of objects and/or hazards related to bird attraction, electrical inference, glare and other flight hazards.
Staff evaluated the City’s project using the Zone Compatibility criteria for Zone D and E of the Travis AFB LUCP. Staff analysis of the project is summarized in Attachment A.
Analysis Finding
Based on the review, staff finds that the proposed General Plan Update complies with the requirements of the zones to protect flight and are consistent with the Travis AFB Land Use Compatibility Plan (LUCP).
Attachment A: Airport Compatibility Zones Criteria
Attachment B: Compatibility Zones Map
Attachment C: City of Fairfield Planning Commission Report & EIR - web address/hyperlink below
Attachment D: Draft Resolution