Adopt a resolution to receive two noncompetitive allocation awards from the State Department of Housing and Community Development: $269,838 for Round 6 Transitional Housing Program (THP) and $123,012 for Round 3 Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP), to assist young adults aged 18 through 24 years who were formerly in the foster care or probation systems to overcome barriers to housing and reduce the risk of homelessness, effective once the State revenue contract is executed for a period of two years; and Delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the allocation agreements and related documents necessary to accept the allocation awards
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
The Department of Health and Social Services recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution to receive two noncompetitive allocation awards from the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD): $269,838 for Round 6 Transitional Housing Program (THP) and $123,012 for Round 3 Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP), to assist young adults aged 18 through 24 years who were formerly in the foster care or probation systems to overcome barriers to housing and reduce the risk of homelessness, effective once the State revenue contract is executed for a period of two years; and delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the allocation agreements and related documents necessary to accept the allocation awards.
When left without support or resources, transitional aged youth 18 to 24 years can face many barriers to finding safe and affordable homes and are at extreme risk of falling into homelessness. The Transitional Housing Program (THP) provides funding to counties for child welfare service agencies to help young adults aged 18 through 24 years find and maintain housing, with priority given to those formerly in the foster care system. The THP program funds support coordination of services and linkages to community resources within the child welfare system and the Homeless Continuum of Care. The Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP) provides funding to assist young adults with locating and overcoming barriers to obtaining housing.
THP and HNMP are included in the State Budget Act of 2024 (Chapter 22 of the Statutes of 2024). HCD allocates these funds to county child welfare agencies based upon each county’s proportion of the total statewide number of young adults aged 18 through 24 years that are in foster care. Solano County Health and Social Services (H&SS), Child Welfare Services (CWS) Division received a letter of notification from HCD dated October 9, 2024 of two allocation awards, $269,838 for Round 6 Transitional Housing Program (THP) and $123,012 Round 3 Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP). Allocation acceptance forms and a resolution adopted by the Board are required to receive the two awards and were due to HCD on November 8, 2024. However, HCD will accept the allocation acceptance forms signed by the County Administrator, along with the adopted resolution once the Board adopts it on December 3, 2024. The grant funds are to be expended within two years from the effective date of the fully executed State revenue agreements which will be provided by HCD after their acceptance of the THP and HNMP allocation acceptance forms and receipt of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors accepting the funds.
These awards provide funding to assist youth ages 18 through 24 years with securing permanent housing. There is no impact to the County General Fund. Any funds remaining unexpended in FY2024/25 will be included in the Department’s FY2025/26 Requested Budget. The costs associated with preparing the agenda item are nominal and absorbed by the Department’s FY2024/25 Working Budget.
Youth homelessness in the United States has become more prevalent in recent years. According to recent data from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1 in 10 young adults have experienced some form of homelessness during a 12-month period between the ages of 18 and 24. For those young people who experience homelessness, HUD data suggests a strong correlation to being at high risk for adverse outcomes such as physical and mental health challenges, experience of violence, early pregnancy, early school leaving, substance use, and more. According to Solano County’s 2024 Homeless Point in Time Count, there were 1,725 unhoused (1,436 unsheltered) individuals in Solano County, and 4% of the sheltered homeless population (27 individuals) and 2.7% of the unsheltered population (38 individuals) were between 18 and 24 years.
When supplied with housing funding and resources, H&SS, CWS can play a key role through its partner contract agencies in broadly impacting youth homelessness in Solano County. H&SS, CWS staff and partner agencies support young adults that are often working to secure income, employment, and education, some of whom are integrating back into the community from an institutional setting, CWS can utilize the THP and HNMP funding to impact homelessness by helping bridge the gap to housing stability for those that they serve. The THP and HNMP grants can be utilized flexibly to help ensure that Solano residents ages 18 through 24 years can access and maintain stable housing. H&SS, CWS is the required applicant for the THP and HNMP programs and is responsible for applying for and administering the allocation awards.
The Board may choose not to adopt the resolution authorizing the application and acceptance of the noncompetitive allocation awards. This is not recommended as it would lead to less funding being available in the community to support vulnerable young adults in need of housing support.
H&SS will work in partnership with local youth organizations and the Probation Department to ensure eligible young adults may be referred to the program for housing support.