Adopt a resolution to request $400,000 in Transportation Development Act Article 3 funding from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for construction of the State Route 37/Fairgrounds Drive Improvement Project
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Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
The Department of Resource Management recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution to request $400,000 in Transportation Development Act funding from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for construction of the State Route 37/Fairgrounds Drive Improvement Project.
The Solano Transportation Authority (STA) is currently working to deliver the construction phase of the Fairgrounds Drive/Highway 37 Interchange Improvement Project (“Project”). The Project will provide congestion, mobility, transit, and safety enhancements at the Fairgrounds Drive and Highway 37 interchange, including roadway corridor improvements in front of the Solano County Fairgrounds identified in the Solano360 Specific Plan (see Attachment A - Location Map).
As part of the Project funding plan, Solano County and STA entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) (Attachment B), which committed the County to provide and administer a variety of funds for the Project’s construction phase. The MOA anticipated $400,000 in funding for eligible bicycle and pedestrian elements, comprised of $266,331 in Transportation Development Act Article 3 (TDA 3) funds and $133,669 in Transportation Funds for Clean Air (TFCA). Since the time the MOA was approved, the Department of Resource Management submitted a grant award request for $400,000 in TDA 3 funds to satisfy the total MOA commitment for bicycle and pedestrian improvements. This grant was awarded and now in order to submit a claim for disbursement of these funds, Solano County must submit a template resolution and application (see Attachment C) to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). A Complete Streets Checklist (Attachment D) is also required to accompany the application. Once all TDA 3 funding elements are submitted and completed, the Department will receive the $400,000 in TDA 3 funds and then pass the funding through to STA per the MOA.
Adoption of the resolution by the Board authorizes the Department to submit the TDA 3 claim paperwork to MTC and facilitate the transfer of funds to the STA for construction of the Project.
The funding sources in the MOA that make up the $4 million Project supplement were targeted for their specific applicability to the Project, particularly regarding their transit, bicycle and pedestrian aspects. The State and regional fund sources, including the $400,000 in TDA 3 in this action, fulfill the MOA funding obligation without any impact to the General Fund or Road Fund. The costs associated with preparing the agenda item are nominal and absorbed by the Department’s FY2024/25 Working Budget
Since 2006, the County has been working collaboratively with the City of Vallejo (City) and the STA on several improvements to transportation infrastructure along Fairgrounds Drive, its intersection/interchange with Highway 37, and Redwood Parkway. In 2021, STA, the City and the County entered into an amended Funding Agreement for the plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E) phase of the SR 37/Fairgrounds Drive Improvement Project in order to bring the Project to shovel-ready status. On June 11, 2024, the Board authorized the funding MOA which established the match commitments for the construction phase.
Project Funding Package
The Project obtained a commitment of $15 million in Regional Measure 3 (RM3) bridge toll funding; however, additional funds are necessary to construct the Project. A $4 million commitment from Solano County was established in the MOA, and contains the following funding sources:
1) $800,000 in State Transit Assistance Funds
2) $800,000 in STA Letter of No Prejudice (LONP) State funds
3) $1.5M in Transportation Development Act Article 4 (TDA 4) funds (County allocation)
4) $500,000 is Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) District 7 funds
5) $266,331 in Transportation Development Act Article 3 (TDA 3) funds
6) $133,669 in Transportation Funds for Clean Air (TFCA) funds
Staff in the Department of Resource Management have coordinated the funding strategy with staff from STA and the City of Vallejo to ensure funding applicability. The Project benefits the City of Vallejo by rehabilitating and improving Fairgrounds Drive, including traffic safety improvements, and installation of bike lanes, pedestrian sidewalks/crossings, signage, transit stops and landscaping. The Project will provide a significant benefit to Solano360 and Solano County Fairgrounds because the various improvements on Fairgrounds Drive and the Highway 37 Interchange are required for enhancing and mitigating the future development of Solano360 Specific Plan. Staff from STA and the City continue to assist in acquisition of the remaining grant sources needed to fund the Project.
Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025 with completion planned in 2026.
The Board may choose not to adopt the resolution and $400,000 TDA 3 funding claim. This is not recommended because the resolution and funding claim are necessary to fully fund the Project in accordance with the MOA.
Staff from Solano Transportation Authority, City of Vallejo, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and Caltrans have been involved in the development of the funding plan and in review of the Transportation Development Act grant award.