File #: AC 24-027    Version: 1 Name: Adopt Travis/Rio Vista LUCP Amendments
Type: ALUC-Document Status: ALUC-Regular-NW
In control: Airport Land Use Commission
On agenda: 8/8/2024 Final action:
Title: Consider adopting the proposed amendments to the Travis AFB and Rio Vista Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans as recommended by the Travis AFB and Rio Vista Plan Amendment Subcommittee. The proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15061(b)(3) Common Sense Exemption.
Attachments: 1. A - Revised Figure 1 TAFB LUCP Compatiblity Zones, 2. B - Revised Table 1 TAFB LUCP Compatbility Criteria, 3. C - Revised TAFB Section 4.10 Low Altitude Manuevering Zone, 4. D - Revised Sample Deed Restrictions - Rio Vista LUCP, 5. E,F - Travis AFB & Rio Vista LUCP Amendments - Public Draft, 6. G - Courtesy Hearing Notice, 7. H - Public Comments Received, 8. I - Draft Resolution - Travis AFB LUCP Amendment, 9. J - Draft Resolution - Rio Vista Airport LUCP Amendment, 10. K - TAFB Press Release Feb 18 2024, 11. L - Link to July 11, 2024 ALUC Staff Report (AC 24-023)
Related files: AC 24-028


Consider adopting the proposed amendments to the Travis AFB and Rio Vista Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans as recommended by the Travis AFB and Rio Vista Plan Amendment Subcommittee.  The proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15061(b)(3) Common Sense Exemption.






A.                     Determine that the project qualifies for the Common Sense Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15061(b)(3); and


B.                     Adopt the Resolutions to amend the 2015 TAFB and 2018 Rio Vista Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans as proposed on July 11, 2024 and modify the proposed TAFB & Rio Vista Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans as recommended below:




1.                     Delete the second bullet under Prohibited Uses under the LAMZ under Table 1 and Low Altitude Maneuvering Zone Section:

                     New conservation banks or avian habitats to minimize wildlife attractants and bird strikes.


2.                     Add under Other Development Conditions & Low Altitude Maneuvering Zone in Table 1 of the TAFB LUCP:

For areas within the LAMZ, reviewing agencies shall prepare a WHA for projects that have the potential to attract wildlife that could cause bird strikes. ALUC will use this information to coordinate with the Travis AFB Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Team. Based on the findings of the WHA and coordination with the Travis AFB BASH Team, all reasonably feasible mitigation measures must be incorporated into the planned land use.


3.                     Revise item (c) under 7. 1.1 Implementation Program to read:

(c)                     Convene a working group to develop policies and approaches to address (b) above in order to implement the Solano Multispecies Habitat Conservation Plan and other regional conservation efforts in a manner consistent with this LUCP. The composition of this working group shall be subject to the approval of the Solano ALUC.


4.                     Revisions to TAFB LUCP Figure 1 - Compatibility Zones to include the 2 nautical mile zone based on Waypoint A and B


Rio Vista Airport LUCP


1.                     Add Sample Deed Notifications to the Rio Vista Airport LUCP for Zone 1-6 & 7




On July 11, 2024, the TAFB and Rio Vista Plan Amendment Subcommittee presented the proposed amendments to the Solano County Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) and public comments were received.  Copies of the written comments were distributed to ALUC Commissioners and are attached to this report.  Chair Ross directed the Subcommittee and ALUC staff to work together to address the comments.  Comments were received from Solano County Water Agency regarding the potential impacts to the HCP, MurphyAustin Attorneys representing Buzz Oates LLC and City of Suisun and Holland and Knight, California Forever.


Following the ALUC meeting, the Subcommittee met and reviewed the comments and recommends modifying approval of the proposed Public Draft LUCPS as indicated above.


Discussion:  The following is a brief discussion regarding the written comments received


                     Solano County Water Agency (SCWA)


The July 11, 2024 TAFB LUCP Public Draft proposed to exclude new aviation habitat within the Low Altitude Maneuvering Zone (LAMZ) in order to protect tactical training maneuvers from bird strikes.  SCWA proposed alternate language that would require Wildlife Hazards Analysis to be reviewed and coordination with the TAFB BASH Team.  In addition, SCWA proposed that a working group allow bird strike impacts through an evaluation of Wildlife Hazards Analysis and convening a working group to at later phase.  The recommendations are consistent with the Wildlife Subcommittee on-going effort which may be lead to an amended LUCP at a later date.  Revisions to the July 11 2024 TAFB Public Draft are included in Attachment A-C.


                     City of Suisun and Logistics Center Project, Walters and Peterson Road


Since the July 11, 2024 meeting, Suisun City staff released the Public Draft EIR for this project, and Suisun City and County staff met to hear Suisun City staff concerns about the proposed LAMZ.  Suisun City staff proposed the following language, in bold, for Subcommittee consideration, in an effort to exclude the project from the proposed LAMZ:


Non-agricultural uses are incompatible within the LAMZ, with the exception of areas that are zoned for non- agricultural uses (such as MG-3 or CR) OR development applications that have been deemed complete by the jurisdiction prior to August 8, 2024.

As proposed, the language is unclear about which jurisdiction would have the authority to determine completeness, and furthermore, adding the language could provide an implied consistency determination by the ALUC for any projects that have not yet been presented to the commission for determination.  ALUC does not have the authority to determine an application complete; therefore, the proposed language is unenforceable by ALUC, and therefore, the Subcommittee does not recommend modifying the July 11 TAFB LUCP Public Draft. 


With regard to the proposed project, the project is located within the Suisun City Sphere of Influence and requires annexation approval by Solano LAFCO.  If annexed, Suisun City Council would have final decision authority over the project, and adoption of the LAMZ would not preclude Suisun City Council’s authority to override ALUC’s compatibility determination, in the future. 


In addition, adoption of the LAMZ would not prohibit the entire property from development. Development would be limited to the northwest portion of the site and Suisun City could seek consistency with Zone C compatibility standards or one of the reduced density alternatives outlined in the Draft Environmental Impact Report.  


                     California Forever


California Forever requested that the Commission defer action to allow additional time to meet and discuss the proposed amendments.  However, on July 23, 2024, California Forever withdrew the proposed Initiative from the 2024 Ballot and intends to file a General Plan Amendment and Zoning Change application with the Planning Division.   The subcommittee met and discussed, and recommended no changes to the Public Draft. 


Staff found a second press release by Travis AFB, three (3) days after the Initiative was submitted on February 14, 2024 which indicated that TAFB does not endorse any specific community group, project or organization and acknowledges the necessity for continued coordination to address community needs.


                     Minor changes to the July 11, 2024 Public Draft:


                     Revisions to TAFB LUCP Figure 1 - Compatibility Zones to include the 2 nautical mile zone based on Waypoint A and B - Attachment A

                     Adding Sample Deed Notifications to the Rio Vista Airport LUCP for Zone 1-6 & 7 - Attachment D




The proposed amendments ensure that the planned land uses remain compatible with Travis Air Force Base operations. They are intended to protect primarily the existing environment due to potential conflicts with low-altitude flying performed by military aircraft and FAA regulations as applied to other land uses. The proposed amendments more accurately describe existing general plan and zoning restrictions. The proposed amendments would not increase the density or intensity restrictions already in place in the general plan or zoning, as the area in the LAMZ is nearly all designated as agricultural land. No new height restrictions are proposed. Therefore, there is no possibility that the proposed amendments may have a significant effect on the environment and is exempt from CEQA under the common sense exemption. (CEQA Guidelines, tit. 14 Cal. Code of Regs. § 15061, subd. (b)(3).



Attachment A - Revised Figure 1 - TAFB LUCP Compatibility Zones

Attachment B - Revised Table 1 - TAFB LUCP Compatibility Criteria Summary Table

Attachment C - Revised Section 4.10 - Low Altitude Maneuvering Zone TAFB LUCP

Attachment D - Revised Sample Deed Restrictions - Rio Vista Airport LUCP

Attachment E - Travis Air Force Base Land Use Compatibility Plan - Public Draft, July 11, 2024

Attachment F - Rio Vista Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan - Public Draft, July 11, 2024

Attachment G - Courtesy Hearing Notice

Attachment H - Public comments received

Attachment I - Draft Resolution TAFB LUCP Amendments

Attachment J - Draft Resolution Rio Vista LUCP Amendments

Attachment K - TAFB Press Release February 18, 2024

Attachment L - Link to July 11, 2024 ALUC Report