Accept the Board of Supervisors’ regular meeting calendar for 2025
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No __X_
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No __X_
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors accept the Board of Supervisors’ regular meeting calendar for 2024; Approve cancellation of the Board of Supervisors’ regular meetings of May 27, 2025, September 2, 2025, October 14, 2025 November 11, 2025, November 25, 2025, and December 23, 2025, due to the proximity of holidays; and July 1, 2025 and July 8, 2025 due to Board Recess.
The Board of Supervisors routinely meet on the first, second, and fourth Tuesday of each month throughout the year. From time to time, meetings have been cancelled to allow the Board members to attend state and national conferences and to meet with State and federal lobbyists.
For calendar year 2025, the following meetings are scheduled for cancellation:
• May 27, 2025, September 2, 2025, October 14, 2025 November 11, 2025, November 25, 2025, and December 23, 2025 - due to the proximity of holidays
• July 1, 2025 and July 8, 2025 - Board Recess
For calendar year 2025, the following meetings are scheduled to be added:
• June 23, 2025 - Budget Hearings