Approve a second amendment with Netsmart Technologies, Inc. for $28,388 for a total contract amount of $803,203 to include additional software licenses for the Avatar electronic health record platform for behavioral health services for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024; and Delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute this contract amendment
Published Notice Required? Yes ___ No _X_
Public Hearing Required? Yes ___ No _X_
The Department of Health and Social Services (H&SS) recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve a second amendment with Netsmart Technologies, Inc. for $28,388 for a total contract amount of $803,203 to include additional software licenses for the Avatar electronic health record platform for behavioral health services for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024; and delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute this contract amendment.
Netsmart Technologies, Inc. provides Health and Social Services' Behavioral Health Division's Avatar electronic health record (EHR) platform which maintains client records and allows the division to submit claims for Medi-Cal reimbursable behavioral health services. The Board of Supervisors first approved a contract with Netsmart Technologies, Inc. on December 13, 2011. Due to changes in State requirements, additional user licenses were necessary in FY2023/24. The charge for the additional software licenses was mistakenly omitted from prior invoicing from Netsmart Technologies and only recently discovered. Solano County Behavioral Health is requesting the Board's approval of this amendment to reimburse Netsmart Technologies for products/services that were delivered in FY2023/24.
Netsmart Avatar is the only platform Solano County Behavioral Health has available to capture and store patient medical records for mental health services and to send electronic claims to the California Department ...
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