Approve 3 Health and Social Services, Behavioral Health Division contract amendments to provide additional acute psychiatric inpatient services for the current period through June 30, 2025: a first contract amendment with Heritage Oaks Hospital for $79,440 for a total contract amount of $396,296, a first contract amendment with John Muir Behavioral Health for $134,000 for a total contract amount of $282,500, and a second contract amendment with San Jose Behavioral Health for $139,664 for a total contract amount of $646,879; and Delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the three amendments and any subsequent amendments, with County Counsel concurrence, up to an aggregate of $74,999
Published Notice Required? Yes _____ No __X__
Public Hearing Required? Yes _____ No __X__
The Department of Health and Social Services (H&SS), Behavioral Health Division recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve 3 contract amendments to provide additional acute psychiatric inpatient services for the current period through June 30, 2025: a first contract amendment with Heritage Oaks Hospital for $79,440 for a total contract amount of $396,296, a first contract amendment with John Muir Behavioral Health for $134,000 for a total contract amount of $282,500, and a second contract amendment with San Jose Behavioral Health for $139,664 for a total contract amount of $646,879; and delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the amendments and any subsequent amendments, with County Counsel concurrence, up to an aggregate of $74,999.
The three contractors provide acute psychiatric inpatient treatment services for Solano County Medi-Cal beneficiaries or indigent clients who are referred by Solano County Behavioral Health. Over the last few months there has been an increase in referrals/admissions to the three facilities. The contract amendments will provide for the continuation and medical ...
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