File #: 25-169    Version: 1 Name: Girls State resolutions 2024
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Calendar
In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Title: Adopt seven resolutions recognizing the outstanding young women who attended the 2024 American Legion Auxiliary California Girls State summer leadership programs
District: District 4
Attachments: 1. A - Resolution - A. Ramos, 2. B - Resolution - A. Salinas, 3. C - Resolution - G. Jimenez, 4. D - Resolution - J. Kraft, 5. E - Resolution - K. Reyes, 6. F - Resolution - P. Evanger, 7. G - Resolution - T. Reid
Adopt seven resolutions recognizing the outstanding young women who attended the 2024 American Legion Auxiliary California Girls State summer leadership programs

Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _


Supervisor Vasquez requests that the Board adopt seven resolutions recognizing the outstanding young women who attended the 2024 American Legion Auxiliary California Girls State summer leadership programs.


Each year, outstanding high school juniors are selected by the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 165 Girls State summer leadership programs. For more than 75 years, the program has offered hard-working students the opportunity to learn about the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of our citizens. The training objectives focus on city, county and state government structure and places attendees in the position of being elected to various offices and holding mock legislative sessions, court proceedings, assemblies and more.

The 2024 Girls State attendees include: Armijo High School student Jaellin Kraft, Buckingham Collegiate Academy High School student Andrea Salinas, Vacaville Christian High School student Gabrielle Jimenez, Vacaville High School student Priya Evanger, Vanden High School student Tamia Reid, Will C. Wood High School student Abriah Ramos, and Rodriguez High School student Katrina Reyes.

The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 165 will honor these outstanding students during their annual Youth Recognition Night, to be held Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at the Vacaville Veterans Memorial Hall.


The costs associated with preparing the agenda item are nominal and absorbed by the District 4 FY2024/25 Working Budget. The costs associated with the preparation and purchase of the resolution materials are included in the Board's FY2024/25 Working Budget.


The Board could choose not to adopt this res...

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