Adopt and present a resolution recognizing March 2025 as the month-long celebration of Public Procurement Month in Solano County (Supervisor Vasquez)
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Adopt and present a resolution recognizing March 2025 as the month-long celebration of Public Procurement Month in Solano County.
Each March, Public Procurement Month serves as a time to celebrate and recognize the importance of procurement in achieving organizational goals. Procurement professionals are integral to local government, responsible for sourcing, negotiating, and managing relationships with suppliers and contractors to secure the best value, while maintaining quality and compliance standards.
While March is designated as Public Procurement Month, March 13 specifically honors Professional Buyer's Day, a time to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and expertise of Solano County's Purchasing Services Team. These professionals work diligently behind the scenes to ensure the efficient operation of our supply chain and the acquisition of goods and services, while protecting public funds through responsible bid evaluation, contract negotiation, and supplier performance management. The Purchasing Services Team prioritizes transparency, fairness, and accountability, preventing waste, fraud, and misuse of resources, ensuring every dollar spent contributes to the success of public services and programs.
Over the past fiscal year, the Purchasing Services Team successfully transitioned to a fully automated, web-based electronic bidding and vendor management system. This new platform enhances stakeholder transparency, cultivates marketing opportunities for both the County and businesses, promotes open collaboration, and improves reporting capabilities.
The Purchasing Services Team spent the year refining processes and procedures while activel...
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