File #: 25-155    Version: 1 Name: Review of The SIMI Group's Contracts
Type: Report Status: Consent Calendar
In control: Auditor-Controller
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Title: Accept the Auditor-Controller's Internal Audit Division's Review of The SIMI Group's Contracts with Solano County Health and Social Services
District: All
Attachments: 1. A - Review of The SIMI Group's Contracts
Accept the Auditor-Controller's Internal Audit Division's Review of The SIMI Group's Contracts with Solano County Health and Social Services

Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _


The Auditor-Controller's Office (ACO) recommends the Board of Supervisors accept the Review of The SIMI Group's (SIMI) Contracts with Solano County Health and Social Services (H&SS).


Pursuant to the Auditor-Controller Internal Audit Division's Fiscal Year 2023/24 Audit Plan, the ACO reviewed H&SS' contracts with SIMI. The ACO's review was conducted in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing as developed by the Institute of Internal Auditors.

The objectives of the review were to (1) determine the effectiveness of the contracted services between H&SS and SIMI, (2) develop an understanding of the County's use of the contracted services, (3) benchmark the costs of the contracted services to similar work in other counties, and (4) determine the contractor's compliance with contractual terms, conditions, and applicable federal regulations.

To accomplish the audit objectives, the ACO internal audit team conducted interviews with H&SS staff and SIMI, reviewed applicable documents including guidance documents, procurement records, and vendor claims. The audit team also conducted interviews with six other counties to benchmark the contracted services.


The acceptance of the report has no financial impact.


The ACO review was unable to identify an equal comparison for the services of SIMI due to several factors including contract deliverables that were not clearly defined and included technical language, no other county uses SIMI's services, SIMI did not have materials with standardized pricing, and the contracts included services that are not mandated which limited available comparisons....

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