Approve a three-year Mental Health Student Services Act grant agreement for $450,000 from the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission to identify sources of funding to sustain the delivery of mental health services on school campuses for the period of December 10, 2024 through December 31, 2027; and Authorize the County Administrator to execute the grant agreement and related documents necessary to accept the award
Published Notice Required? Yes _____ No __X__
Public Hearing Required? Yes _____ No __X__
The Department of Health and Social Services recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve a three-year Mental Health Student Services Act grant for $450,000 from the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission to identify sources of funding to sustain the delivery of mental health services on school campuses for the period of December 10, 2024 through December 31, 2027; and Authorize the County Administrator to execute the grant agreement and related documents necessary to accept the award.
In 2019, Solano County Behavioral Health (SCBH) received a Mental Health Student Services Act (MHSSA) Round 3, five-year grant, from the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) to support the development of school-based mobile crisis services for students on campuses and contracted with the Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) to implement MHSSA Round 3 grant objectives. Solano County Health and Social Services, Behavioral Health Division collaborated with SCOE to apply for grant funding under MHSSA Round 4 and was awarded $450,000 under the sustainability category for services designed to support prior rounds of funding.
The MHSSA Round 4 grant provides funding to identify other sources of funding that can be used to sustain the delivery of mental health services, including school-based mobile crisis services, to student...
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