Receive a report from Lisette Estrella-Henderson, Solano County Superintendent of Schools, Solano County Office of Education regarding the "State of the Schools related to the Williams Case Settlement audit" for the 2024-2025 school year, specifically schools identified for visitation
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No __X_
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No __X_
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors receive a report from Lisette Estrella-Henderson, Solano County Superintendent of Schools, Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) regarding the "State of the Schools related to the Williams Case Settlement audit" for the 2024-2025 school year, specifically schools selected for visitation.
The SCOE report includes results of visits to schools in compliance with the Williams vs. State of California case settlement. As specified in the California Education Code ?1240, the report describes the state of schools related to sufficiency of instructional materials, compliance with facilities maintenance, and complaints received by the districts.
Schools selected for visitation were those eligible for comprehensive support and improvement, additional targeted support and improvement pursuant to the federal Every Student Succeeds Act and all schools where 15 percent or more of the teachers are holders of a permit or certificate, such as a temporary or short-term permit, a substitute permit, a waiver, an intern credential, or any other authorization that is a lesser certification than a preliminary or clear California teaching credential.
The costs associated with preparing the agenda item are nominal and absorbed by the County Administrator's FY2024/2025 Working Budget.
The Board can choose to not receive the report, but it is a legal requirement that the Superintendent present this information to the Board of Supervisors.
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