Adopt a resolution and plaque of appreciation honoring Correctional Officer Kelly Scarborough upon her retirement from the Sheriff's Office with over 24 years of dedicated public service to Solano County
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The Sheriff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution and plaque of appreciation honoring Correctional Officer Kelly Scarborough upon her retirement from the Sheriff's Office with 24 years of dedicated service to Solano County.
Kelly Scarborough began her career with Solano County Sheriff's Office as a Correctional Officer (Entry) on March 5, 2000 and was promoted to Correctional Officer on March 4, 2001. Officer Scarborough worked numerous positions within the Custody Division, including Booking Officer, Receiving Officer, Relief Officer, Tower Officer, Property Officer, female maximum security, protective custody, and Central Control.
Officer Scarborough was commended in 2013 for a calm demeanor that was effective during a call for assistance when an inmate attacked two female Correctional Officers. Officer Scarborough was the only officer who was able to connect with the inmate and calm her down, preventing any further injury of her co-workers.
Officer Scarborough was known for her ability to communicate effectively with inmates and co-workers. She was known for her excellent work ethic, optimistic outlook, dependability, positivity, calm demeanor, and, most of all, her resourcefulness.
Officer Scarborough was a highly respected and valued member of the Sheriff's Office and will be greatly missed by her friends and co-workers. The resolution honors Kelly Scarborough for her over 24 years of service and commends her dedication and public service to Solano County. Officer Scarborough's official last date of employment with the Sheriff's Office was December 31, 2024.
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