Approve a management agreement between Solano County and the Solano County Fair Association for management of the fairgrounds and for delivery of the annual Solano County Fair
Published Notice Required? Yes ___ No _X_
Public Hearing Required? Yes ___ No _X_
The County Administrator's Office recommends the Board of Supervisors approve a management agreement between Solano County and the Solano County Fair Association for management of the fairgrounds and for delivery of the annual Solano County Fair.
The Solano County Fair Association (SCFA) has operated the County Fair on behalf of the County beginning in 1946 and has additionally managed portions of the 152-acre fairgrounds property, located at the intersection of I-80 and Highway 37. The County and the SCFA's current contract for operations of the fairgrounds and for provision of the annual fair expires December 31, 2024. Both the County and the SCFA desire a new management agreement, adding language to expand management of the property to additional areas in order to attract larger events, to increase the term of the agreement to allow for longer sublease opportunities, and to provide additional clarity regarding subleases to allow the SCFA the ability to generate additional revenues.
The SCFA is an enterprise fund and must operate within the operating revenues generated by the annual Solano County Fair, year-round activities, and available resources. The costs associated with preparing the agenda item are nominal and absorbed by the Department's FY2024/25 Working Budget.
First executed on January 25, 2011, the current agreement between Solano County and the Solano County Fair Association has been amended seven times, as follows:
* January 31, 2014 Amendment No. 1 (extend term)
* November 25, 2014 Amendment No. 2 (extend term and modify certain terms)
* February 10, 2015 Amendment No. 2 (extend ter...
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