Approve a plan to implement an alternative “9/80” work schedule for First 5 Solano
Published Notice Required? Yes_______ No___X___
Public Hearing Required? Yes_______ No___X___
It is recommended that the Board approve a plan to implement an alternative “9/80” work schedule for First 5 Solano employees.
First 5 Solano is organized administratively as a division of the County Administrator’s Office. The First 5 Solano Executive Director, in consultation with the Department of Human Resources, has submitted a proposed “9/80” work schedule plan (Attachment A) for First 5 Solano staff which has been recommended by the County Administrator. Should the First 5 Solano alternative “9/80” work schedule plan be approved by the Board of Supervisors, the Executive Director will not be eligible to participate in the “9/80” work schedule. All other First 5 staff, subject to the Personnel and Salary Resolution and the appropriate meet-and-confer process with any and all applicable bargaining units, shall be eligible to participate as approved by the Executive Director.
County Policy provides that any Department electing to have an alternative work schedule such as “9/80” shall have that action approved by the Board of Supervisors. The First 5 Solano Executive Director, in consultation with the Human Resources Department, has developed a proposed plan to offer First 5 Solano staff a “9/80” work schedule.
The nature of the work of First 5 Solano supports the utilization of a “9/80” work schedule. There is little “foot traffic” or direct public contact at the First 5 office. First 5’s primary customers are its Commissioners and contractors (non-profit organizations and public agencies). Most customer and/or public contact is by telephone, email or at meetings or events held offsite. The 9/80 day off will be Friday. Staff will be assigned alternate schedules and will provide backup to each other to ensure o...
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