File #: 25-78    Version: 1 Name: February 2025 Employee of the Month
Type: Presentation Status: Presentation
In control: Assessor/Recorder
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Receive a presentation from the Assessor/Recorder on the selection of Laura Salinas as the February 2025 "Employee of the Month"
District: All
Receive a presentation from the Assessor/Recorder on the selection of Laura Salinas as the February 2025 "Employee of the Month"

Published Notice Required? Yes _____ No __X___
Public Hearing Required? Yes _____ No __X___


The Assessor/Recorder recommends the Board of Supervisors receive a presentation on the selection of Laura Salinas as the February 2025 "Employee of the Month" making Ms. Salinas eligible to use the parking space designated for the program.


On September 13, 2005, the Board of Supervisors approved an ongoing County Administration Center "Employee of the Month" Parking Program for County employees.

The month of February has been designated as the month for the Assessor/Recorder's Office to recognize one of our exemplary employees. Laura Salinas was selected for this honor allowing her to park in the designated area for the month of February 2025.

Laura Salinas joined the Assessor Clerical team as a Clerical Operations Supervisor on June 25, 2023, leading the Assessor's Exemptions and Customer Service units during a critical transition to new Assessor's appraisal software and a realignment of business practices. Demonstrating compassion and accountability, she quickly became proficient in Revenue and Taxation Codes (RTC), which guide the processing of complex legal documents. Under her leadership, the team established clear structures and expectations, resulting in the timely processing of real property tax exclusions, transfers, and exemptions for homeowners, non-profit organizations and business establishments.

Ms. Salinas excels in utilizing de-escalation strategies and providing excellent customer service, particularly in challenging situations involving upset taxpayers. She ensures that all individuals, whether concerned about a $70 homeowner's property tax exemption or multimillion-dollar assessments, are treated with dignity and respect. When necessary, she...

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