Approve the reappointment of Jo Ann Parker and appoint Shannon McCaffrey to the Solano County Law Library Board of Trustees with terms of office to commence immediately and expire January 6, 2026
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
The Office of County Counsel recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the reappointment of Jo Ann Parker and the appointment of Shannon McCaffrey to the Solano County Law Library Board of Trustees with terms of office to commence immediately and expire January 6, 2026.
The Solano County Law Library was established under state law and is overseen by a seven (7) member appointed Board of Law Library Trustees comprised of five (5) members or appointments from the Superior Court and two (2) from the Board of Supervisors. As to the Board of Supervisors appointments, according to Cal. Business & Professions (B&P) Code section 6301, the Chair of the Board is ex officio a Trustee but, the board of supervisors, at the request of the chair, may appoint a member of the State Bar, any other member of the board of supervisors of the county, or a resident of the county to serve as trustee in place of the chair. The appointment of the person selected in place of the chair of the board of supervisors shall expire when a new chair of the board of supervisors is selected. The second of the Board's appointees must be a member of the State Bar. (B&P ?6301(a)(5).)
At the request of the Chair, it is recommend that the Board reappoint former Deputy County Counsel Jo Ann Parker to serve in place of the Chair and appoint Shannon McCaffrey, Managing Attorney for the Solano County Office of Legal Services of Northern California, to the other vacant position.
Section 6302 of the B&P Code calls for appointments to the Law Library Board of Trustees to be made by the Board of Supervisors at the first meeting of the year of the...
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