Conduct a noticed public hearing to consider Use Permit application U-24-08 by Complete Wireless Consulting, Inc for Verizon to establish a new wireless communication facility consisting of an 80' monopole within a 2,500 square foot lease area located at 5778 Dixon Avenue West, located one mile east of the City of Dixon in the Exclusive Agriculture 40-acre minimum (A-40) zoning district, APN 0109-020-080. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.
Public Hearing Required? Yes _X___ No __ _
Public Notice Required? Yes _X___ No __ _
The Department of Resource Management recommends that the Planning Commission:
1. Conduct a noticed public hearing to consider Use Permit U-24-08; and
2. Adopt a resolution approving U-24-08 subject to the findings and conditions of approval contained in Attachment A.
Verizon Wireless is pursuing a use permit to construct and operate a new wireless communications facility consisting primarily of an 80'-foot-tall monopole and associated equipment within a 2,500 square foot lease area on property located at 5778 Dixon Avenue West in unincorporated Solano County.
Pursuant to Section 28.81(E)(2)(a) of the County Zoning Regulations, Planning Commission approval is required for new facilities which are not co-located or grouped.
The proposed facility meets Verizon's coverage objectives within a geographic area not adequately served by Verizon's network. Specifically, to solve the following issues. First, there is a gap in 5G coverage between Dixon and Vacaville. Second, there is also a lack of 4G coverage caused by a lack of capacity, with sites serving the area severely congested. Four sites serving Dixon and the surrounding area, including I-80 and I-505, are overloaded...
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