File #: 25-127    Version: 1 Name: Social Work Recognition Month
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Calendar
In control: Health and Social Services
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action: 3/4/2025
Title: Adopt a resolution recognizing March 2025 as Social Work Month in Solano County
District: All
Attachments: 1. A - Social Work Month Resolution
Adopt a resolution recognizing March 2025 as Social Work Month in Solano County

Published Notice Required? Yes _____ No __X__
Public Hearing Required? Yes _____ No __X__


The Department of Health and Social Services recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution recognizing March 2025 as Social Work Month in Solano County.


The month of March is designated nationwide as Social Work Month and remains an important opportunity to acknowledge Solano County's social workers for their invaluable contributions helping individuals, families, children, and older people in need of care and protection. Nationally, there are currently more than 700,000 professional social workers employed in the United States with more than 800,000 expected by 2033.

National Social Work Month is an opportunity for social workers around the nation and their supporters to educate the public about the invaluable contributions of the profession. Social workers perform a multitude of tasks requiring knowledge and skills in psychology, crisis resolution, and complex legal requirements governing intervention on behalf of their clients. Social workers provide a 24-hour safety net for the protection of children, the disabled and the elderly, and provide services designed to improve and stabilize the lives of their clients. They also respond and assist victims where allegations of violence have occurred and provide crisis management and intervention, resource coordination, biological and psychological social assessments, safety planning, case consultation, and arrange for treatment and services along with referral linkages.

Solano County has approximately 185 Social Workers providing services through various programs, including Child Welfare Services, Employment and Eligibility Services, Public Defender's Office, Older and Disabled Adult Services, Public Health, and the Probation Department.

The 2025 theme, ...

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