Accept and endorse the Solano Emergency Medical Services Cooperative (SEMSC) Exclusive Operating Area Emergency Ambulance Services Provider Contracting Process Policy, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code ?1797.230(c)
Published Notice Required? Yes ___ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ___ No _X _
The County Administrator and the Department of Health and Social Services, Public Health Division recommend that the Board of Supervisors, in public concurrence with the SEMSC Board, accept and endorse the SEMSC Exclusive Operating Area Emergency Ambulance Services Provider Contracting Process Policy, as indicated in California Health and Safety Code section 1797.230(c).
On October 10, 2024, the SEMSC, the Joint Powers Authority serving as the county's local emergency services agency, through adoption of Resolution 24-002, adopted the Exclusive Operating Area Emergency Ambulance Services Provider Contracting Process Policy. Due to concerns voiced by the current ambulance provider based on the wording of Health and Safety Code ?1797.230(c), the Board of Supervisors is asked by the SEMSC Board to also accept and endorse this Contracting Process Policy.
The SEMSC Board is currently in the process of finalizing an RFP for ambulance services to be issued in the next few months
There is no direct financial impact to the County.
On October 10, 2024, the SEMSC Board, which consists of the Solano County Administrative Officer, a City Manager, a City Fire Chief, an emergency department physician, two additional medical professionals and a consumer representative, adopted the Exclusive Operating Area Emergency Ambulance Services Provider Contracting Process Policy, which incorporated RFP Policy as SEMSC Policy 1900 through SEMSC Resolution 24-002. Public comment at that meeting indicated concern that the Board of Supervisors itself must also approve the RFP...
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