Authorize the Chief Information Office to procure a three-year software subscription from ePlus for $459,071 for VMWare server virtualization software
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) recommends that the Board of Supervisors authorize the Chief Information Office to procure a three-year software subscription from ePlus for $459,071 for VMWare server virtualization software.
DoIT has sought to reduce physical servers and instead utilize server virtualization, allowing one physical server to be used as multiple servers. Server virtualization enhances efficiency, reduces hardware costs, and strengthen disaster recovery capabilities. VMware, a leading provider of virtualization and cloud computing solutions, delivers secure, scalable, and reliable software that meets the County's evolving infrastructure needs.
VMWare is a tool that DoIT currently uses, and the department seeks to procure a three-year agreement to stabilize pricing and ensure continuity of services. By leveraging VMware's advanced virtualization technology, DoIT can optimize resource allocation, improve operational efficiency, and minimize infrastructure costs.
The cost of the VMWare purchase over 3-years is $459,071 and divided into 3 annual payments of approximately $153,024. The appropriation for this purchase and costs associated with preparing this agenda item are included in the Department's FY2024/25 Working Budget.
Before the advent of server virtualization with VMware, the County relied on traditional physical server infrastructure, which had several challenges and inefficiencies. DoIT used one physical server per application or service. Each server was also required to purchase ancillary hardware to support a larger server fleet and incur increased power and cooling costs. Expanding se...
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