Public Hearing to consider and make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on a proposed Ordinance, Zone Text Amendment No. ZT-24-02, amending Chapter 28 (Zoning Regulations) of the Solano County Code to revise and update sections pertaining to interpretation of the chapter, minimum architectural standards for dwellings, Residential-Traditional Community District-4 (R-TC-D-4) development standards, and roadside stands. The proposed ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(b)(3)
Published Notice Required? Yes _X _ No ____
Public Hearing Required? Yes _X No ____
The Department of Resource Management recommends that the Planning Commission:
1. Conduct a noticed public hearing; and
2. Adopt a resolution recommending that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed ordinance (ZT-24-02) amending Chapter 28 (Zoning Regulations) of the Solano County Code to revise and update sections pertaining to interpretation of the chapter, minimum architectural standards for dwellings, Residential-Traditional Community District-4 (R-TC-D-4) development standards, and roadside stands (Attachment A).
The matter before the Planning Commission involves proposed amendments to Chapter 28 of the Solano County Code (Zoning Regulations) to revise and update certain sections with the goal of eliminating ambiguities, correcting typographical errors, and promoting practicality and internal consistency. Department staff are presenting proposed updates to four parts of the Code.
The first update pertains to general interpretation of Chapter 28, clarifying mandatory and permissive terms, and clarifying how aliquot parts of land relate to the minimum lot area requirements of zoning districts. The second update is to remove the requirement that the minimum pitch of the roof of a dwelling be three inches vertica...
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