Approve a contract amendment with Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc. in the amount of $700,000 for a total contract amount of $2,449,236 to provide sub-acute psychiatric residential treatment for seriously/persistently mentally ill patients for the term July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013; and Authorize the County Administrator to sign the contract amendment
Published Notice Required? Yes _____ No __X__
Public Hearing Required? Yes _____ No __X__
The Department of Health & Social Services (H&SS) recommends that the Board approve a contract amendment with Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc. in the amount of $700,000 for a total contract amount of $2,449,236 to provide sub-acute psychiatric residential treatment for seriously/persistently mentally ill patients for the term July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 and authorize the County Administrator to sign the contract amendment.
Solano County Mental Health provides a continuum of mental health services to approximately 5,500 mental health consumers in Solano County through County provided services and 83 contracts with community providers. Crestwood Behavioral Health provides a full range of psychiatric rehabilitation services and treatment activities to consumers, particularly as a step-down system for individuals who would otherwise remain in a costly inpatient facility. At any one time, individuals requiring this intensive level of support number between 30 and 50. Individuals placed at one of the Crestwood facilities are stabilized psychiatrically until they can be reintegrated into the community or a lower level of care in the community. Due to the Department’s intensification of its efforts to decrease utilization and lengths of stay at more costly State Hospitals and other acute inpatient facilities which typically cost four to five times the amount of the Crestwood placements, it is being requested to increase the contract with Crestwood to a...
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