Authorize staff to formally submit a request to the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District to consider allowing a sewer connection for the property at 2280 Rockville Road; and, if approved, Delegate authority to the County Administrator to take all steps necessary to effectuate such connection including execution of an amendment to the 2003 "Agreement to Provide Disposal of Sewage" and application to Solano LAFCO to allow such connection
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X_ _
The Department of Resource Management recommends the Board of Supervisors direct staff to formally submit a request to the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (FSSD) to:
1. Consider allowing a sewer connection for the property at 2280 Rockville Road; and
2. If the connection is approved by FSSD, delegate authority to the County Administrator to take all steps necessary to effectuate such connection including execution of an amendment to the 2003 "Agreement to Provide Disposal of Sewage" and application to Solano LAFCO to allow such connection.
In 2003, the County and the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (FSSD) entered into an Agreement to Provide Disposal of Sewage ("Agreement") in the areas of Suisun Valley Road and Old Cordelia. In 2004, that Agreement was amended to allow sewer service connections to separate legal parcels in existence as of January 5, 2004 which were adjacent to existing sewer collections lines as identified by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). County staff have been contacted by the property owner of 2280 Rockville Road requesting permission to establish a sewer connection to FSSD's system due to a failing septic system. Should the Board approve the request, staff will make a formal request of FSSD which require a second amendment to the Agreement.
The costs associated with developing this agenda item is absorbed by the Departme...
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