Receive a report on the Solano County 2012 Index of Economic and Community Progress
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It is recommended the Board of Supervisors receive a report on the Solano County 2012 Index of Economic and Community Progress.
The Solano County 2012 Index of Economic and Community Progress was prepared by the County Administrator’s Office in partnership with the Solano Economic Development Corporation. The 2012 edition includes technical assistance and objective analysis by Dr. Robert Eyler, a principal at Economic Forensics and Analytics in Petaluma. He is also Professor and Frank Howard Allen Research Scholar of Economics and Director of the Center for Regional Economic Analysis at Sonoma State University.
The Index tracks key indicators that are shaping the local economy. Any description of the local economic picture depends upon the lens in which the economy is view. The 2012 Index examines the local economic condition from three perspectives. The long view goes from 2000 to 2012, which compares the end of the 1990s cycle to the recent recovery. The recession view goes from 2006 (the peak year) to 2010 (the bottom year) in the local employment market. The recovery view represents changes since 2010. The document is available online at www.solanocounty.com/economicindex
The cost of staff time to compile the 2012 Index and the $5,000 to Economic Forensics Analysis for technical assistance and objective analysis was part of the FY2012/13 Adopted Budget.
The Solano County Index of Economic and Community Progress is a project that was launched in 2007 after a series of economic summits identified a need for more fact-based information to guide efforts by leaders in both the public and private sectors to expand the long-term viability of ...
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