Approve a contract amendment with Area West Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $12,000 for additional biological monitoring services on the Suisun Valley Road Bridge Replacement Project; and Authorize the Director of Resource Management to execute the contract amendment
Published Notice Required? Yes _____ No __X__
Public Hearing Required? Yes _____ No __X__
The Department of Resource Management recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve a contract amendment with Area West Environmental, Inc. for additional biological monitoring services on the Suisun Valley Road Bridge Replacement Project in the amount of $12,000 and authorize the Director of Resource Management to execute the contract amendment.
The Department of Resource Management is working towards completion of the Suisun Valley Road Bridge Replacement Project (Attachment A), which requires specialized biological and environmental services. During construction, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife required that we have an on-site biologist at the project on a full-time basis due to the presence of small fish near the construction coffer dam. We had only budgeted part-time services in the base consultant contract with Area West Environmental, Inc. for $45,382. The $12,000 contract amendment will take the total contract amount to $57,382. Since the $57,382 total contract cost with additional work exceeds the Department’s authority for contract amendment (total contract greater than $50,000), this action requires Board approval.
Due to the bridge replacement work being funded by the Highway Bridge Program (HBP), the $12,000 contract amendment will be paid with $10,623 in HBP funds and $1,377 in Road Funds. There is no impact to the General Fund.
The Board could choose to not authorize execution of the contract amendment. This is not recommended since most of the work is co...
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