Receive a report on the impacts on Solano County from the "Rezoning of 17,500 acres of land in East Solano to allow the Development of a New Community" (also known as California Forever) initiative; and Take one of the following actions: (1) adopt the ordinance without alteration, (2) submit the ordinance without alteration to voters by adopting a Resolution calling a special election and combining it with the statewide November 5, 2024 general election; Consider directing the Acting Auditor-Controller to prepare a Fiscal Impact Statement for placement in the voter guide; Consider directing the Registrar of Voters to continue the historic practice of printing complete Voter Information Guides at an estimated additional cost of $2,000,000 attributable to the "Rezoning of 17,500 acres of land in East Solano to allow the Development of a New Community" initiative; and Consider providing comment on the proposed initiative and taking a position in support of or opposition
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
1. Receive a report on the impacts on Solano County from the "Rezoning of 17,500 acres of land in East Solano to allow the Development of a New Community" (also known as California Forever) initiative; and
2. Take one of the following allowable actions pursuant to California Elections Code (EC) section 9118:
i. Adopt the ordinance (initiative) without alteration at this meeting; or
ii. Submit the ordinance (initiative) without alteration to voters by adopting a Resolution calling for a special election and combining it with the next regular election on November 5, 2024
3. Consider directing the Acting Auditor-Controller to prepare a Fiscal Impact Statement for placement in the voter guide; and
4. Consider directing the Registrar of Voters to continue the historic practice of printing complete Voter Info...
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