Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/27/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-589 112024 Food Safety Education MonthResolution-PresentationAdopt and present a resolution declaring September 2024 as National Food Safety Education Month (Supervisor Vasquez)   Not available Not available
24-595 12National Preparedness MonthResolution-PresentationAdopt and present a resolution recognizing September 2024 as National Preparedness Month (Chair Mashburn)   Not available Not available
24-581 13BOS Response, Civil Grand Jury, Public Health LabsReportApprove the Board of Supervisors response to the 2023/2024 Civil Grand Jury Report of June 21, 2024, entitled - “Public Health Laboratory Systems Review.”   Not available Not available
24-604 14District 3 Non-County Contribution $1,750Non-County ContributionsAuthorize the County’s contribution of $1,750 from the General Fund contribution allocated to District 3 to benefit the following organizations, including Pearls of Wisdom Educational Resources, Inc. ($1,000) and Solano County Library Foundation ($750)   Not available Not available
24-619 15District 4 Non-County Contributions Ed Fund 24/25 part oneNon-County ContributionsAuthorize the County’s contribution of $6,500 from the General Fund contribution allocated to District 4 to benefit the following organizations, including the Solano County Farm Bureau ($4,000) and Friends of the Dixon May Fair ($2,500).   Not available Not available
24-598 16District 5 Non-County Contributions 24-25Non-County ContributionsAuthorize the County’s contribution of $3,000 from the General Fund contribution allocated to District 5 to benefit the following organizations, including the Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club ($1,000), Wild West Family Festival/On Stage Vacaville ($1,000), Sudie M. Smith Foundation, Inc. ($500), and Saving Gracie Foundation ($500)   Not available Not available
24-612 17BOS Minutes ApprovalMinutesApprove the minutes of the Solano County Board of Supervisors’ regular meeting of August 13, 2024   Not available Not available
24-613 18Meeting Attendance ReportsMeeting Attendance ReportReceive and file the Meeting Attendance Reports for the month of July 2024 from the members of the Board of Supervisors   Not available Not available
24-554 19Internal Control Review of Sheriff Office Inmate PropReportAccept the Auditor-Controller’s Internal Audit Division’s Internal Control Review of the Sheriff’s Office handling of inmate property   Not available Not available
24-600 110ACO Employee of the Month Sept 2024ReportAcknowledge the Auditor-Controller’s Office selection of Colleen Cole for "Employee of the Month" for September 2024   Not available Not available
24-593 111OpenGov EMR Workflow Agreement RenewalContractApprove a 3-year contract for $380,192 with OpenGov for a Web-Based Equipment Movement Request workflow software solution from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027; and Authorize the County Administrator or designee to execute the agreement and any subsequent amendments, with County Counsel concurrence, within the project’s approved budget   Not available Not available
24-599 112JCDF Housing Cell Improvement ATRATRApprove an Appropriation Transfer Request of $3,800,000 in FY2024/25 appropriations from the Justice Center Detention Facility Sanitary Sewer project to the Fairfield Justice Center Detention Facility Housing Cell Improvement project to consolidate cell improvement and sanitary sewer repair work within a single capital budget (4/5 vote required)   Not available Not available
24-594 113FY24-25 CDFA PDGWSS ContractContractDelegate authority to the Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures to execute a revenue agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for Solano County’s FY2024/25 Pierce’s Disease Control Program in the amount of $1,226,098; Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) recognizing $23,861 in unanticipated revenues to fund increased services and supplies and contracted services for glassy-winged sharpshooter eradication activities (4/5 vote required)   Not available Not available
24-558 114International Overdose Awareness Day and National Recovery Month ResolutionResolutionAdopt a resolution recognizing August 31, 2024, as International Overdose Awareness Day and September 2024 as Recovery Month in Solano County   Not available Not available
24-611 115Assembly Bill 1051 - Signing AuthorityMiscellaneousDelegate authority to the Director of Health and Social Services, or designee, to negotiate, sign, and execute master agreements, with County Counsel concurrence, with other mental health plans within the State for the provision of out-of-county placement of clients to facilitate payments for mental health services provided by out-of-county providers/facilities; and Delegate authority to the Director of Health and Social Services, or designee, to negotiate, sign, and execute temporary single-use agreements, with County Counsel concurrence, with various mental health providers that are not currently contracted with Solano County for the provision of as needed treatments for foster youth placement in community treatment facilities   Not available Not available
24-610 116Meals on Wheels Solano Contract Amendment 2ContractApprove a second contract amendment with Meals on Wheels Solano County for $176,150 for a total contract amount of $737,407 to deploy electronic devices and provide technical support to older adults for the current period through September 30, 2024; and Delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the amendment and any subsequent amendments, with County Counsel concurrence, up to an aggregate of $74,999   Not available Not available
24-590 117Adventist Health Vallejo 5150 designationResolutionAdopt a resolution to designate Adventist Health Vallejo as a California Welfare and Institutions Code §§ 5150 et seq. and §§ 5585.50 et. seq. involuntary detention facility for evaluation and treatment of adults, children, and adolescents who are experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms   Not available Not available
24-615 118Pan American Insurance Contract RenewalContractRatify the County Administrator’s approval of a second contract amendment between the Solano County In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority and Pan American Life Insurance Group for the provision of health, dental, and vision benefits for eligible IHSS providers for the current period through June 30, 2025   Not available Not available
24-582 1192022 CAL FIRE Wildfire County Coordinator-Northern GrantResolutionAdopt a resolution approving participation in the 2022 CAL FIRE Wildfire County Coordinator-Northern Grant Program for the period of April 15, 2024 through December 31, 2024, affirming the grant expenditure plan and authorizing the Sheriff or his designee, with County Counsel concurrence, to sign and submit all grant documents, including, but not limited to applications, agreements, amendments, and payment requests, which may be necessary for the completion of the grant scope within the current award amount; and Approve an Appropriations Transfer Request recognizing $200,000 in unanticipated grant revenue offset by grant appropriations to improve wildfire related efforts (4/5 vote required)   Not available Not available
24-601 120Animal Care and Control Debt Write Off 2024MiscellaneousApprove the write-off of accounts receivable due to Solano County in the amount of $5,580 related to Animal Care and Animal Control Services (4/5 vote required); Discharge the Sheriff’s Office from further collection efforts; and Authorize the Sheriff’s Office to remove these accounts from the County’s accounting records   Not available Not available
24-603 121Local Road Safety Plan AmendmentReportApprove an amendment to the Solano Countywide Local Road Safety Plan   Not available Not available
24-602 122First 5 Commission Appointment - DonahueAppointmentApprove the appointment of Lisa Donahue to the First 5 Commission representing District 5 for a term to expire August 27, 2028   Not available Not available
24-614 123Assessment Appeals Board AppointmentAppointmentApprove the reappointment of Elvin Valverde to serve as a regular member of the Solano County Assessment Appeals Board for a 3-year term through September 6, 2027   Not available Not available
24-618 124Library Literacy PresentationPresentationReceive a presentation on the Solano County Library Adult Literacy Program   Not available Not available
24-627 125Labor NegotiationsClosed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Government Code § 54957.6): Solano County representatives: Director of Human Resources Niger Edwards, County Administrator Bill Emlen, Assistant County Administrator Debbie Vaughn and Assistant County Administrator Ian Goldberg. Employee organizations: Teamsters, Local 150 for Unit 1 (Attorneys); SEIU Local 1021 for Unit 2 (Nurses), Unit 5 (Health and Welfare Employees), Unit 7 (Regulatory, Technical and General Services Employees), Unit 8 (General Services Supervisors), Unit 9 (Clerical Employees) and Units 82, 87, 89, and 90 (Extra Help Employees); Solano County Deputy Sheriff's Association for Unit 3 (Law Enforcement Employees) and Unit 4 (Law Enforcement Supervisors); Public Employees Union, Local One for Unit 6 (Health and Welfare Supervisors) and Unit 16 (Mid-Management Employees); Stationary Engineers, Local 39 for Unit 10 (Skilled Craft and Service Maintenance Employees); Union of American Physicians and Dentists for Unit 11 (Physicians, Dentists and Psychiatrists); Solano County Probation Peace Officer Association for Unit 12 (P   Not available Not available