Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-80 11Dr. Judeth Greco-Gregory RetirementPresentationApprove and present a plaque of appreciation recognizing Dr. Judeth Greco-Gregory, Mental Health Clinical Supervisor, upon her retirement from the Department of Health and Social Services, Behavioral Health Division, with 16 years of dedicated service to Solano County (Supervisor James)   Not available Not available
25-149 12RESO - Women's History Month 2025Resolution-PresentationAdopt and present a resolution recognizing the month of March 2025 as Women’s History Month in Solano County and recognizing the work of the Solano Commission for Women & Girls (Chair Mashburn)   Not available Not available
25-169 13Girls State resolutions 2024ResolutionAdopt seven resolutions recognizing the outstanding young women who attended the 2024 American Legion Auxiliary California Girls State summer leadership programs   Not available Not available
25-150 14D5 Non-County Contribution - RV SoroptimistsNon-County ContributionsAuthorize the County’s contribution of $500 from the General Fund contribution allocated to District 5 to Soroptimist International of Rio Vista   Not available Not available
25-178 15BOS Minutes ApprovalMinutesApprove the minutes of the Solano County Board of Supervisors’ regular meetings of February 28, 2025, and March 4, 2025   Not available Not available
25-155 16Review of The SIMI Group's ContractsReportAccept the Auditor-Controller’s Internal Audit Division’s Review of The SIMI Group’s Contracts with Solano County Health and Social Services   Not available Not available
25-93 17VMWare Server Virtualization Software SubscriptionContractAuthorize the Chief Information Office to procure a three-year software subscription from ePlus for $459,071 for VMWare server virtualization software   Not available Not available
25-152 18Garrison Retirement ResolutionResolutionAdopt a resolution and plaque of appreciation honoring Correctional Officer Jason Garrison upon his retirement from the Sheriff’s Office with over 29 years of dedicated public service to Solano County   Not available Not available
25-147 19Solano Land Trust / Azevedo Lot Line AdjustmentResolutionConduct a noticed public hearing to consider adopting a resolution to approve Lot Line Adjustment application LLA-23-01 by Solano County Farmlands and Open Space Foundation (Solano Land Trust) and Ralph Lewis Azevedo and Shirley Ann Azevedo Revocable Trust et. al. to transfer 7.45 acres of land between two adjacent lots; Rescind Land Conservation contract Nos. 559, 1014, a portion of 1078, and 1292; Approve replacement Land Conservation contract Nos. 1383, 1384, 1389, and 1390, located along Lynch Road, three miles northeast of the City of Vallejo, within the Exclusive Agriculture “A-20” zoning district, APN’s 0180-030-050 and 0180-040-040; the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15268 and §15317 relating to ministerial projects and the establishment of land conservation contracts   Not available Not available
25-156 110FY2024/25 Midyear Financial ReportResolutionReceive the FY2024/25 Midyear Financial Report and consider taking action on the recommendations contained in the Report   Not available Not available
24-621 111General Fund Reserve and Contingency PoliciesReportConsider adopting updated General Fund General Reserve and Contingency Policies   Not available Not available
25-111 112Fire District GovernanceResolutionConsider adopting resolutions appointing the Board of Supervisors as the Board of Directors for the Suisun Fire Protection District, the Montezuma Fire Protection District, and the Vacaville Fire Protection District   Not available Not available
25-183 113Closed SessionClosed Session1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS: Property: All or parts of APNs: 0042-010-40, 0042-010-41, 0042-050-200, 0042-100-01, 0042-100-03, 0042-100-070, 0042-100-410, 0042-100-420, 0042-100-430, 0042-100-440, 0174-130-01, 0174-130-050, 0174-140-03, 0174-140-04, 0174-150-03, 0174-150-09, Wilcox Ranch; Agency negotiators: Bill Emlen, County Administrator, Debbie L. Vaughn, Assistant County Administrator; Negotiating parties: David Gassaway, Fairfield City Manager, Liz Aptekar, Assistant to the Fairfield City Manager, Colonel Jay A. Johnson, and Bobbie Campbell; Under negotiation: Price and terms   Not available Not available