Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/13/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-542 11Lisa Cocleaser RetirementResolution-PresentationAdopt and present a resolution and plaque of appreciation recognizing Lisa Colcleaser, Accounting Clerk III, upon her retirement from Solano County with 31 years of dedicated service in the Department of Health and Social Services, Welfare Administration Division (Supervisor Hannigan)   Not available Not available
24-543 12Janelle Bogue RetirementResolution-PresentationAdopt and present a resolution and plaque of appreciation recognizing Janelle Bogue, Office Supervisor, upon her retirement from Solano County with 23 years of dedicated service in the Department of Health and Social Services, Welfare Administration Division (Supervisor Vasquez)   Not available Not available
24-586 13BOS Minutes ApprovalMinutesApprove the minutes of the Solano County Board of Supervisors’ regular meeting of August 6, 2024   Not available Not available
24-580 14Fire District MOUContractApprove a Memorandum of Understanding between Solano County and the Montezuma, Suisun, and Vacaville Fire Protection Districts to fund a Pilot Seasonal Wildfire Program and continue to work collaboratively on reorganization efforts; and Delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the Memorandum of Understanding and any necessary amendments up to $74,999, with County Counsel concurrence   Not available Not available
24-587 15ATR Year-End General Fund Contribution H&SS/IHSSATRApprove a $2,303,062 Appropriation Transfer Request increasing General Fund Contributions in the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority Fund 152, offset by decreased General Fund Contributions within the Health and Social Services Fund 902 to fund the IHSS Maintenance of Effort (MOE) (4/5 vote required)   Not available Not available
24-592 16Rescinding Master Tax Sharing AgreementResolutionAdopt a resolution rescinding Resolution 2000-72 and authorize the termination of the Master Property Tax Agreement with the seven cities   Not available Not available
24-583 17Granicus Clerk Docs Amended ContractContractRatify the Treasurer Tax Collector’s approval of an amendment to an agreement with Granicus LLC totaling 102,945 for a software upgrade and annual support costs associated with the County Clerk modules of the Granicus software, resulting in a total not to exceed amount of $472,945; Authorize the County Administrator to execute any subsequent modifications, with County Counsel concurrence, in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total contract amount   Not available Not available
24-550 182024 Gen Election ConsolidationMiscellaneousApprove the consolidation of elections for cities and special districts for the November 5, 2024 General Election   Not available Not available
24-559 19Cyber Incident Mutual Aid Board ReportMiscellaneousAuthorize the Chief Information Officer, with concurrence from the County Administrator’s Office, to provide mutual aid to regional local governments and agencies in the event of a cyber incident; Authorize the County Administrator to enter into Memorandums of Understanding to establish two-way cybersecurity services mutual aid agreements with local governments and agencies; and Authorize the County Administrator, with concurrence from County Counsel, to make technical changes to the Memorandums of Understanding   Not available Not available
24-547 110Canyon Manor Contract Amendment 4ContractApprove a fourth contract amendment with Canyon Manor for $80,812 for a total contract amount of $1,506,880 to cover costs incurred to provide sub-acute psychiatric residential treatment for seriously, persistently mentally ill persons with complex psychiatric needs in a locked mental health rehabilitation center for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024; and Delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute the amendment   Not available Not available
24-544 111MHSA Annual Update for FY23/24ReportApprove the Mental Health Services Act Annual Update for FY2023/24 including a review of services rendered in FY2022/23   Not available Not available
24-551 112Authorization for Fall Public Works contractsMiscellaneousAuthorize the Director of Resource Management to solicit, bid, award, and execute the Hay Road Improvement Project, Foothill Drive Safety Improvement Project, Bridge Methacrylate Project, Stevenson Bridge Environmental Consultant Services, and Electrical Engineering Consultant Services for a total of $3,970,000; and Authorize the Director of Resource Management to make necessary amendments to these executed contracts that do not exceed 10% of the total contract amount per project   Not available Not available
24-553 113Authorize Foothill Right of Way AgreementContractAuthorize the Director of Resource Management to execute a Right of Way Agreement with the City of Vacaville for right of way acquisition for the Foothill Drive Safety Improvement Project   Not available Not available
24-557 114Approve the appointment of Charles E. Smith, II to the Solano County Airport Land Use CommissionAppointmentApprove the appointment of Charles E. Smith, II to the Solano County Airport Land Use Commission as the District 3 representative for a four-year term to expire on May 1, 2028   Not available Not available
24-545 115NSAAA Advisory Council AppointmentsAppointmentApprove the appointments of Cathleen Khan, Donna Harris, Linda Chandler, Cheryl Johnson, and Richard White as regular members to the Napa/Solano Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council representing Solano County for two-year terms of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026; and Approve the appointment of Sandra Stevens as an alternate to the Napa/Solano Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council representing Solano County for the term of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025   Not available Not available
24-540 116Electric Vehicle Charging PolicyMiscellaneousConsider adopting Administrative Policy A-4 on the use of County Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Stations; Conduct a noticed public hearing on a proposed fee schedule for the General Services Department - Fleet for EV charging and consider adopting an EV charger station fee schedule by resolution adding Exhibit XXII to Chapter 11 of the Solano County Code; and Consider adopting a resolution to rescind Traffic Order 147, Amendment No. 7 and replace it with Traffic Order No. 147, Amendment No. 8   Not available Not available
24-555 117ARPA Broadband Update Aug 2024PresentationReceive an update on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Broadband Infrastructure project and consider providing further direction on project options   Not available Not available