Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/26/2013 8:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
13-0206 11Closed SessionReportPublic Employment Appointment: Director of Health and Social Services Conference with Labor Negotiators: Solano County representatives: Marc Fox, Charmie Junn, Darrell Murray, and Fran Buchanan Employee organizations: SEIU Local 1021: Unit #2-Nurses, Unit #5-Health & Welfare Employees, Unit #7-Regulatory, Technical & General Services Employees, Unit #8 General Services Supervisors, Unit #9-Clerical Employees, and Units #82, #87, #89, and #90-Extra Help; SPPOA: Unit #12-Probation Employees and Unit #15-Supervising Probation Employees; Stationary Engineers Local 39 for Unit #10-Skilled Crafts & Maintenance Employees; Teamsters Local 150 for Unit #1-Attorneys; PEU Local 1 for Unit #6 Health & Welfare Supervisors, and for Unit #16, #16C & #16X-Middle Management; Solano County Deputy Sheriffs Association for Unit #3-Law Enforcement Employees, and Unit #4 Law Enforcement Supervisors; UAPD for Unit #11-Psychiatrists, Physicians, & Dentists; Solano County Sheriff's Custody Association for Unit #13-Correctional Officers; Teamsters Local 856 for Unit #14-Correctional Supervisors   Action details Not available
13-0208 12Poetry Out LoudPresentationReceive a presentation from Poetry Out Loud on the program and this years’ Poetry Out Loud winnerReceived  Action details Video Video
13-0216 13Give Kids A SmilePresentationReceive a presentation on the 2013 Give Kids A Smile event held throughout Solano County on February 2, 2013Received  Action details Video Video
13-0226 14Meeting Attendance ReportReportReceive and file the Meeting Attendance Reports from the members of the Board of Supervisors as required for compliance with Government Code Section 53232.3(d)Received and Filed  Action details Not available
13-0233 15MinutesMinutesApprove the minutes of the Solano County Board of Supervisors’ meetings of February 19, 2013 and March 12, 2013Approved  Action details Not available
13-0205 16arts council resolutionResolutionAdopt a resolution approving the application and authorizing the execution of a grant contract with the California Arts Council (Supervisor Seifert)Adopted  Action details Not available
13-0230 173-22-13 Patsy Van Ouwerkerk ResolutionResolutionRatify a resolution of the Solano County Board of Supervisors honoring Patsy Van Ouwerkerk as Woman of the Year in Observance of “Women’s History Month” 2013 (Supervisor Spering)Adopted  Action details Not available
13-0203 19County Participation in the Fairfield Flood Protection Validation and Conceptual Design StudyATRAuthorize County participation in a joint project with the Administrative Office of the Courts for the Fairfield Flood Protection Validation and Conceptual Design Study for the southeast portion of the Downtown Fairfield County Campus; Approve a $222,458 Appropriation Transfer Request from the Accumulated Capital Outlay Contingencies to the Clay Street Ditch and Drainage Project for Solano County’s share of cost (4/5 vote required); Authorize the County Administrator to sign a Memorandum of Understanding and any subsequent modifications with the Courts for the Study once MOU documents are finalized; and Authorize the Director of General Services to sign all other project-related documents required to accomplish the workApproved  Action details Not available
13-0204 110Third Amendment to the Non-Exclusive Communications Site Lease Agreement with T-Mobile West, LLCContractApprove the Third Amendment to the Non-Exclusive Communications Site Lease Agreement with T-Mobile West, LLC for its wireless communications facility at the Nut Tree Airport in Vacaville in the amount of $2,200 per month for a five year term from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2018; and Authorize the Director of General Services to execute any subsequent amendmentsApproved  Action details Not available
13-0163 112Election Administrators E-roster contractContractApprove a contract with Election Administrators LLC to provide an Electronic Roster system, including hardware, software licenses, and five years of software maintenance for $205,068 with a term from May 1, 2013 through April 30, 2018; and Authorize the County Administrator to execute the contract and any subsequent amendments not to exceed 10% of the total contract amountApproved  Action details Not available
13-0198 1139-80 Work ScheduleReportApprove a plan to implement an alternative “9/80” work schedule for First 5 SolanoApproved  Action details Not available
13-0211 114Crestwood Behavioral Health Contract AmendmentContractApprove a contract amendment with Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc. in the amount of $700,000 for a total contract amount of $2,449,236 to provide sub-acute psychiatric residential treatment for seriously/persistently mentally ill patients for the term July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013; and Authorize the County Administrator to sign the contract amendmentApproved  Action details Not available
13-0212 115HP Enterprise Svc / CalWin Project 3rd amendmentContractApprove the third amendment to the agreement with HP Enterprise Services in the amount of $124,218,402 of which the Solano County share is $3,181,569 for a total contract amount of $806,380,443 for the 18 counties participating in the Welfare Client Data Systems Consortium for CalWORKs Information Network Development, Implementation, Maintenance and Operation Services, and extending the term through July 31, 2015Approved  Action details Not available
13-0218 116District Attorney MicroscopeATRApprove an Appropriation Transfer Request recognizing $45,847 in unanticipated grant revenue and $30,922 from the Solano County Narcotic Enforcement Team, Federal Asset Forfeiture Funds for the period of February 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013 (4/5 vote required); and Approve fixed asset purchase of a Firearms Comparison Microscope for the District Attorney’s County Forensics Laboratory totaling $76,769Approved  Action details Not available
13-0227 117Probation Contract with Tom White up to $75,000ContractApprove the second contract amendment with Thomas F. White in the amount of $50,000 for a total contract maximum of $75,000 for adult supervision process consulting services, and extending the contract term through December 31, 2014; and Authorize the County Administrator to execute this amendment and any subsequent amendments that remain within budgeted appropriationsApproved  Action details Not available
13-0213 118Advertise Various Projects in 2013ContractAuthorize the Director of Resource Management to advertise for construction bids for Montezuma Hills Repair Project 2013, Rubberized Chip Seal Project 2013, Slurry Seal Project 2013, Surface Transportation Program (STP) Overlay Project 2013, and the Vaca Valley Road Curve Improvement Project, and to award and execute contracts with the lowest responsible biddersApproved  Action details Not available
13-0214 119Contract Amendment on Suisun Valley Road BridgeContractApprove a contract amendment with Area West Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $12,000 for additional biological monitoring services on the Suisun Valley Road Bridge Replacement Project; and Authorize the Director of Resource Management to execute the contract amendmentApproved  Action details Video Video
13-0202 121WIB contract with Quali-Serv JanitorialContractApprove a Workforce Investment Board of Solano County second contract amendment with Quali-Serv janitorial to extend the term of the contract by an additional year through March 31, 2014 by $45,920 for a total contract amount of $161,120; and Authorize the Workforce Investment Board President/Executive Director to sign the contractApproved  Action details Not available
13-0193 222Animal Care Advisory Commission AppointmentAppointmentApprove the appointment of Henry Clark Lane to the Solano County Animal Care Advisory Commission, representing District 5, for a term to expire March 26, 2017Approved  Action details Not available
13-0223 123Planning Commission AppointmentAppointmentApprove the appointment of Rick Tubbs to the Planning Commission, representing District 5, for a term to expire January 31, 2017Approved  Action details Not available
13-0222 18Economic Diversification Study ContractContractApprove a contract with Economic & Planning Systems to manage the economic diversification study project funded by the Office of Economic Adjustment for an amount not to exceed $369,860 effective March 26, 2013 to December 31, 2014; and Authorize the County Administrator to execute the contractApproved  Action details Video Video
13-0220 111Six Flags Parking AgreementContractApprove a Parking Agreement with Six Flags Discovery Kingdom for the use of parking spaces located at the County Fairgrounds from March 27, 2013 to January 5, 2014; and Authorize the Director of General Services to execute the agreementApproved  Action details Video Video
13-0250 120Bay Delta Conservation PlanResolutionAdopt a resolution urging the State Resources Agency and the U.S. Department of Interior to expand the range of alternatives and extent and depth of analysis of these alternatives (including the Portfolio Alternative) in future drafts of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan and associated environmental documentsAdopted  Action details Video Video
13-0225 124Health Care Reform Part IIPresentationAccept a presentation on the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Implementation in Solano CountyReceived  Action details Video Video
13-0168 1262012 Index of Economic and Community ProgressReportReceive a report on the Solano County 2012 Index of Economic and Community ProgressReceived and Filed  Action details Video Video
13-0232 125Legislative Report April 2, 2013ReportContinued from March 26, 2013; Receive an update from staff and the County’s State Legislative Advocate on the status of legislation that is of interest to the County; and Consider taking positions on bills included within this agenda item which were reviewed by the County’s Legislative Committee on March 18, 2013Postponed  Action details Video Video
13-0175 128Airport Land Use Commission’s membershipReportContinued from March 26, 2013; Receive a report on, and consider whether to direct staff to initiate a process for preparing a proposed amendment to the Solano County Code, Chapter 2, regarding the composition of the Airport Land Use Commission’s membership, and direct the County Administrator to initiate the processPostponed  Action details Video Video
13-0207 127Gideon PresentationPresentationReceive a presentation from the Office of the Public Defender on the 50th Anniversary of the Gideon v. Wainright decisionReceived  Action details Video Video
13-0200 129Local Vendor Purchasing Preference PolicyPresentationReceive a presentation on Solano County’s local vendor preference policiesReceived  Action details Video Video
13-0199 1302013 SCHA Annual PlanReportPublic hearing to consider the Solano County Housing Authority Annual Plan; Approve the Plan; and Authorize the Executive Director of the Solano County Housing Authority (Director of Resource Management) to submit the Plan and Certifications of Compliance to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development   Action details Video Video
13-0221 131Minor Subdivision MS-12-06 LanzaResolutionPublic hearing to consider approval of Minor Subdivision Application No. MS-12-06 of LMP Vineyards LLC to subdivide one existing parcel (APN 0153-100-050) under Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act Contract No. 438) into two parcels of 21.05 and 22.47 acres for property located along Suisun Valley Road, two miles west of the City of Fairfield; and Adopt a resolution making a determination that the project is not subject to further review under the California Environmental Quality Act and approving Minor Subdivision Application No. MS-12-06Adopted  Action details Video Video
13-0229 132Board Salaries and BenefitsReportConsider directing County Counsel to prepare an ordinance amending Solano County Code section 2-05, subdivision (a), relating to the Board of Supervisors’ salaries and benefits (Supervisor Thomson)   Action details Video Video
13-0231 133Board Longevity CompensationReportConsider directing County Counsel to prepare a resolution repealing the Board of Supervisors’ right to receive longevity compensation (Supervisor Thomson)   Action details Not available
13-0206 1 Closed SessionReportPublic Employment Appointment: Director of Health and Social Services Conference with Labor Negotiators: Solano County representatives: Marc Fox, Charmie Junn, Darrell Murray, and Fran Buchanan Employee organizations: SEIU Local 1021: Unit #2-Nurses, Unit #5-Health & Welfare Employees, Unit #7-Regulatory, Technical & General Services Employees, Unit #8 General Services Supervisors, Unit #9-Clerical Employees, and Units #82, #87, #89, and #90-Extra Help; SPPOA: Unit #12-Probation Employees and Unit #15-Supervising Probation Employees; Stationary Engineers Local 39 for Unit #10-Skilled Crafts & Maintenance Employees; Teamsters Local 150 for Unit #1-Attorneys; PEU Local 1 for Unit #6 Health & Welfare Supervisors, and for Unit #16, #16C & #16X-Middle Management; Solano County Deputy Sheriffs Association for Unit #3-Law Enforcement Employees, and Unit #4 Law Enforcement Supervisors; UAPD for Unit #11-Psychiatrists, Physicians, & Dentists; Solano County Sheriff's Custody Association for Unit #13-Correctional Officers; Teamsters Local 856 for Unit #14-Correctional Supervisors   Action details Not available