Approve a Workforce Investment Board of Solano County second contract amendment with Quali-Serv janitorial to extend the term of the contract by an additional year through March 31, 2014 by $45,920 for a total contract amount of $161,120; and Authorize the Workforce Investment Board President/Executive Director to sign the contract
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
The Workforce Investment Board (WIB) of Solano County recommends that the Board of Supervisors:
1) Approve a second contract amendment with Quali-Serv Janitorial to extend the term by an additional year through March 31, 2014 by $45,920 for a total contract amount of $161,120; and
2) Authorize the WIB President/Executive Director to sign the contract amendment for $45,920 bringing the three-year contract total to $161,120.
Quali-Serv Janitorial currently provides janitorial, maintenance and facilities services on behalf of the WIB of Solano County at its primary facility, approximately 22,291 square feet, located at 320 Campus Lane, Fairfield, California. The current contract, which includes the first amendment, would expire on March 31, 2013. This second contract amendment provides for continued service through March 31, 2014. This is the final year in which Quali-Serv is eligible to renew this contract.
There is no impact to the Solano County General Fund. The contract will be paid by Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Federal funds and the costs associated with the continuation of this contract are reflected in WIB's FY2012/13 and FY2013/14 budgets.
The WIB conducts independent, competitive procurement of goods and services and contracts with vendors to efficiently operate WIA employment and training programs and facilities. In addition to review and approval by the Workforce Investment Board of Directors, all contracts in excess of $50,000 are also submitted to the Board of Supervisors for final review and approval.
In October 2010, the WIB conducted a formal and open Request for Proposal (RFP) to all interested and qualified providers of janitorial, maintenance and facilities services. The RFP was emailed to twenty-two (22) locally published and known providers of these services and was publically noticed in the Fairfield Daily Republic newspaper. As a result of this procurement, five interested parties attended the Bidders Conference conducted on October 13, 2010, with five proposals received by the submittal deadline of October 29, 2010. Based on staff's review/rating of the proposals, Quali-Serv Janitorial was recommended and the contract was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 22, 2011. The total award for services includes contract maximums of $59,280 for the first year of the contract and $55,920 for the second year. The Board of Supervisors approved the first contract amendment for the second year of continuing services on March 27, 2012.
Based on the acceptable performance of services by Quali-Serv Janitorial during the first and second years of the contract, staff is recommending that the agreement be amended for a third year extending the contract through March 31, 2014. Other than another slight reduction in the number of weekly service hours for this expected third term, the billing rate would be the same as those quoted and approved in the first term at $24 per hour. This would reflect a third year contract maximum total of $45,920 bringing the total three year funding to $161,120. Quali-Serv Janitorial has proven itself to be a dependable, reliable and flexible provider of janitorial, maintenance and facilities services to the WIB for the past six years.
On March 15, 2013 at the WIB Board of Directors' meeting, a funding hearing and approval for a third year contract renewal with Quali-Serv Janitorial took place. With no objections to the staff recommendation, the WIB Board of Directors approved the contract with Quali-Serv Janitorial for janitorial, maintenance and facilities support services.
The Board of Supervisors could chose not to approve this contract amendment, or direct staff to consider other options and return with new recommendations. However, this alternative is not recommended as there is an ongoing critical need for daily janitorial, maintenance and facilities services. Any delay in awarding this contract could have an adverse effect on the appearance of the WIB and the One-Stop Center, as well as the building's cleanliness/safety for staff, partners, clients, customers and the general public.
County Counsel has approved the contract amendment as to form. The County Administrator's Office has been consulted and concurs with the recommendation.