Approve a Parking Agreement with Six Flags Discovery Kingdom for the use of parking spaces located at the County Fairgrounds from March 27, 2013 to January 5, 2014; and Authorize the Director of General Services to execute the agreement
Published Notice Required? Yes ____ No _X _
Public Hearing Required? Yes ____ No _X _
The Department of General Services recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve a Parking Agreement with Six Flags Discovery Kingdom for the use of parking spaces located at the County Fairgrounds from March 27, 2013 to January 5, 2014 and authorize the Director of General Services to execute the agreement.
The County Fairgrounds are located on County-owned property at 900 Fairgrounds Drive in Vallejo. There are approximately 3,400 parking spaces on the Fairgrounds property that Six Flags has used for overflow parking when necessary since 1988 (Exhibit A/Attachment A). The Parking Agreement will provide Six Flags with continued use of the Fairgrounds parking lot for the 2013 season. Six Flags will pay the County a lump sum payment of $395,000 for the use of the lot. In addition, Six Flags will provide maintenance and improvements to the primary Fairgrounds lot to include tree trimming, weed abatement, patching, and additional handicap parking spaces.
Six Flags will pay the County a lump sum payment of $395,000 for use of the Fairgrounds lot during the 2013 season. The payment is due on or before July 1, 2013. In accordance with past practice, revenue from the use of the Fairgrounds parking lot is used to support Fairgrounds operations, but may be allocated in any manner determined by the Board.
The Parking Agreement (Attachment A) will provide Six Flags use of the Fairgrounds parking lot during the 2013 season and is intended to be an interim agreement until a longer term parking agreement can be developed in coordination with th...
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